Sustain roles in dramatic situations and accept/respond to others in role, using the environment (e.g., natural, constructed, imagined) as inspiration.
Indicators for this outcome

Demonstrate commitment to roles and the fiction represented in the dramatic situation (i.e., suspend disbelief).


Demonstrate ability to maintain a role throughout one or more dramatic episodes.


Respond appropriately and imaginatively to others in role to further the dramatic work.


Use language purposefully when speaking and writing in role.

Spontaneous Story with Jayden Pfeifer. Grades 1, 2, 3 & 4
Join theatre artist Jayden Pfeifer as we explore the skills of improvisation! Jayden will work with the students to exercise their improv muscles. Practice availability, listening, accepting, supporting, and creative expression in a supportive group environment. This active and spontaneous storytelling workshop will teach the elements of basic improv story structure. You will learn how to build narrative, invent fun and unique characters, and insert plot twists into your stories!
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: March 30, 2021
Drama Games and Improv with Globe Theatre. Grade 3
This program provides teachers and students with tools to creatively explore curriculum through improvisation. The exercises engage participants in exploring ideas through inquiry-based learning, building positive relationships and encouraging students to take risks while navigating uncharted territories. This program is designed for those with little or no training in theatre.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020
Immemorial. Drama with Curtis Peeteetuce. Grade 3
Actor/playwright/director/musician Curtis Peeteetuce believes the arts are about expression, entertainment, education and empowerment. Utilizing a foundation of Cree culture, language and history, Curtis shares a performance-based presentation that engages students through storytelling, theatre activities and accomplished works. The workshop concludes with an inspired non-verbal, movement-based, storytelling piece entitled "Immemorial." This program is designed for those with little or no training in theatre.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020
metawe = To Play. Drama with Curtis Peeteetuce. Grades 3 & 4
We must continue speaking our Cree language. The revitalization of language and culture are vital to the rebuilding of community. In this workshop, educators and students revisit our mandate for play. Interactive elements include familiarizing ourselves with voice and body as we explore animal play of the Treaty 6 territory. These include bear (maskwa), eagle (kihew) and buffalo (paskwa-mostos). Language is also incorporated from a beginner level. As we choose to listen to the words and meanings of select Cree terms, we begin to understand how language is vital to identity. The workshop culminates in students playing animals and characters in an excerpt from Curtis Peeteetuce's youth play, kiwek, which is inspired by the film Jumanji. A talkback with students allows for post-performance discussion among the students and a chance to share what was learned.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020
Storyweaving with Michelle Olson and Yvette Nolan. Grades 3, 4 & 5
Students are led through a process called storyweaving - a theatrical technique used by Spiderwoman Theater to share our own stories, using gesture, voice, song, movement and repetition. Yvette Nolan and Michelle Olson, both First Nations theatre artists, use this technique to create work to share stories from their Indigenous perspective. Together, students and artists examine our personal connections to this land and to each other and weave them together to create a short theatre/movement piece that explores how we live together here in a good way.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020