Say the number sequence, 0 to 100, by:
  • 1s forward and backward between any two given numbers
  • 2s to 20, forward starting at 0
  • 5s and 10s to 100, forward starting at 0.
([C, CN, V, ME])
Recognize, at a glance, and name familiar arrangements of 1 to 10 objects, dots, and pictures. ([C, CN, V, ME])
Demonstrate an understanding of counting by:
  • indicating that the last number said identifies "how many"
  • showing that any set has only one count using the counting on strategy
  • using parts or equal groups to count sets.
([C, CN, ME, R, V])
Represent and describe whole numbers to 20 concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. ([C, CN, V])
Compare sets containing up to 20 elements to solve problems using:
  • referents (known quantity)
  • one-to-one correspondence.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
Estimate quantities to 20 by using referents. ([C, PS, ME, R, V])
Demonstrate, concretely, physically, and pictorially, how whole numbers can be represented by a variety of equal groupings with and without singles. ([C, R, V])
Identify the number, up to 20, that is one more, two more, one less, and two less than a given number. ([C, CN, ME, R, V])
Demonstrate an understanding of addition of numbers with answers to 20 and the corresponding subtraction facts, concretely, pictorially, physically, and symbolically by:
  • using familiar and mathematical language to describe additive and subtractive actions from their experience
  • creating and solving problems in context that involve addition and subtraction
  • modelling addition and subtraction using a variety of concrete and visual representations, and recording the process symbolically.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
Describe and use mental mathematics strategies (memorization not intended), such as:
  • counting on and counting back
  • making 10
  • doubles
  • using addition to subtract
to determine basic addition facts to 18 and related subtraction facts. ([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
How Many Donkeys?: An Arabic Counting Tale
Jouha loads his donkey with dates to sell at the market. He asks his son to help him count the 10 donkeys. As Jouha travels to the market, he makes an error in counting his donkeys. Each time he stops to count the donkeys, it is a different number. Students will enjoy solving Jouha's mistake and learning Arabic.
Included in the book are Arabic numerals, how Arabic is written and a pronunciation key.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $14.38
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
100 Days of School
The illustrations and rhyming text encourage students to explore various ways to count to 100. Each rhyme details a mental calculation strategy including skip counting, counting on, doubling and repeated addition. The verses present authentic situations for developing number concepts and relationships.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: October 7, 2020
Math Pre-Assessment 1: Finding Each Student's Pathway
This professional resource provides educators with pre-assess tools to identify gaps in their students’ mathematical understanding. Assessment tools are available for each of the mathematical strands. This resource may be used to target individual student supports for informed intervention. The resource includes an access code to the publisher’s Online Teaching Centre.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $299.95
Record posted/updated: July 2, 2021
Franco explores birdsongs and behaviour. Counting backwards, the woodpecker pecking 10 times as he searches for food. The hummingbird is the last bird presented with its one high-pitched peep. Facts about the birds found in the book are provided at the back of the book.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $26.99
Record posted/updated: January 15, 2025
Askî's Pond: Help Me Talk About Math
Askî's Pond is a fun, educational math game for Grade 1 students featuring the characters from Askî's World. The game reinforces Saskatchewan curriculum math processes and outcomes and includes sorting, ordering, patterning, addition and subtraction tasks. This game was developed as part of the Help Me Talk About Math Grade 1 math assessment and is grounded in First Nations and Métis holistic learning perspectives. The game is available for interactive tablets and can be downloaded from Google Play (Android) or the AppStore (iPad).
(More information)
Media and Formats : Other
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 20, 2023
Zero is a big, round number. Zero wants to be like the other numbers and be counted. Zero wants to be like the other numbers and be counted. When Zero looks in the mirror, she just sees a big empty hole in the middle. Students will enjoy Zero's search to find value in herself and others.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $26.95
Record posted/updated: May 15, 2020
Powwow Counting in Cree
This resource uses some of the sights and sounds of a powwow to introduce students to the numbers from 1 to 10 in Cree and in English. The last page of the book includes a pronunciation guide for the Cree words.
•  Teacher's Guide for Powwow Counting in Cree
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $17.95
Record posted/updated: December 6, 2018
My Arctic 1, 2, 3
This counting book is two books in one. The counting book features full-colour illustrations of Arctic animals in a hunter-prey relationship. Kusugak introduces number concepts ranging from one polar bear to one million berries that "ripen in the fall." In four pages at the end of the book, Kusugak writes of the life that he and his family live in Rankin Inlet, among the animals of the tundra and the polar sea. There is a glossary of northern terms at the end of the book.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: September 15, 2020
G is for Googol: A Math Alphabet Book
This book highlights one or more mathematical concepts, ideas or symbols for each letter of the alphabet. It offers a thorough description of each term, often with possible connections to other topics. As well, interesting (and sometimes humourous) examples are included. A table of contents and a glossary are provided.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $18.99
Record posted/updated: May 14, 2020
Nelson Math Focus 1
This resource consists of a student text, a teacher's resource guide and a poster pack.
•  Nelson Math Focus 1. Poster Pack
•  Nelson Math Focus 1. Student Book
•  Nelson Math Focus 1. Student Workbook
•  Nelson Math Focus 1. Teacher's Resource
Media and Formats : Book Other
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: September 15, 2020
Quack and Count
Slip, slide, leap and dive with a family of seven lively ducklings as they get ready to fly for the very first time. Playful, rhyming text and bold, collage illustrations captures the excitement of a day's adventures and introduces counting.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.99
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2018
From One to One Hundred
Students have plenty of opportunities to practise counting in this search-and-find picture book. Beginning with the number one, readers scour the picture looking for specific objects. Each object appears in the illustration the same number of times as the featured number on the page. At 10, skip counting begins - 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100. Readers count numerous objects on each page. For example, the number 80 features 80 fish, 80 coins, 80 shells, 80 chain links and 80 underwater plants, all contributing to a colourful underwater scene for readers to explore.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $11.99
Record posted/updated: May 14, 2020
Pearson Math Makes Sense 1(WNCP ed.)
This resource consists of a consumable student text, a laminated big book and a teacher's guide with a CD-ROM.
•  Pearson Math Makes Sense 1. Big Book
•  Pearson Math Makes Sense 1. Student Book
•  Pearson Math Makes Sense 1. Teacher's Guide and CD-ROM
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: October 28, 2019
Anno's Counting Book
This classic, wordless picture book illustrates the concept of counting from 1 to 12 and shows the development of a village over several years. Included in the margin of each double-page spread are cubes representing the quantity and the numeral for the number to be counted. This is a challenging counting book as the objects are not always grouped together.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.50
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2018
Going to Egg Island: Adventures in Grouping and Place Values
Modules in this Math in a Cultural Context Series: Lessons Learned from Yup'ik Eskimo Elders provide an example of how to explore the multiculturalism of mathematics.
Going to Egg Island explores multiple ways of representing and understanding number. Based on the story of a Yup'ik girl's first trip gathering eggs, the concepts of counting and grouping are presented. These concepts are situated within the context of the Yup'ik culture and use everyday examples from tools, to foodstuffs and everyday objects. Hands-on activities promote deep understanding, communication and critical thinking, helping students to make connections among the concrete, physical, visual and symbolic representations of number. Cultural notes, teacher notes, math notes and assessment ideas offer instructional support. This resource facilitates connections to and integration with other subject areas.
This resource series was developed in partnership with the Yup'ik Inuit Elders in Alaska and the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. It provides an authentic example of ways to integrate Inuit content, to incorporate cultural ways of knowing and to bridge gaps between different ways of knowing and understanding. The series includes cultural stories given by Elders. The focus is on Alaska's Yup'ik people. Students from all cultural backgrounds should find the activities engaging.
This kit includes a teacher's text, a reader, two CDs, colouring page masters and five posters.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $66.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Young Mathematicians at Work. Constructing Number Sense, Addition, and Subtraction
A collaborative inservice project, Mathematics in the City, was undertaken by Catherine Fosnot and Maarten Dolk. A three-volume set describes what they learned after several years of intensive study in numerous urban classrooms. This particular volume, Young Mathematicians at Work, focuses on young children between the ages of four and eight as they construct a deep understanding of number and the operations of addition and subtraction. The authors provide a description of development, with a focus on big ideas, progressive strategies and emerging models.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $38.50
Record posted/updated: May 15, 2020
One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab: A Counting by Feet Book
This seaside story casts the perfect setting for exploring number combinations. The feet of various critters are used to recognize patterns and multiples used in counting from 1 to 10 and from 10 to 100. Humorous illustrations depict the fun-loving creatures immersed in a myriad of summertime activities at the beach. This creative counting book will engage readers in determining alternate addition sentences.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.50
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2018
No Accounting for Taste
Kevin, Alanna, and Uncle Norm go to a school classroom, where they learn about the Base Ten counting system, skip counting and how to use a rekenrek. This episode is about place value and the base 10 number system, counting-on strategies, simple tallies and concrete bar graphs and addresses the fundamental issue of computational fluency using 10 as an anchor number.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $49.95
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2018
Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades K-3 (WNCP)
The resources in this series provide a range of open questions that cover the various parts of a problem-solving lesson. These questions may be used to discuss math concepts, to provide practice for concepts and skills, to create extra challenges for students or to act as models for developing your own open questions. Each book in the series focuses on a specific strand: Number, Patterns and Relations/Statistics and Probability and Shape and Space.
•  Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades K-3, Number Strand
•  Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades K-3, Patterns and Relations, Statistics and Probability
•  Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades K-3, Shape and Space
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $54.95 ea.
Record posted/updated: September 15, 2020
Pearson Mathology Grades 1-2. Getting Started Guide
This guide is a planning tool to coordinate the utilization of the components of Pearson Mathology which consist of the kits, little books and online learning supports.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 15, 2025
Zorbit's Math Adventure
This digital resource includes teacher and student components to explore mathematical concepts across all strands. This resource is a game-based learning experience where students travel to different planets, each one providing students with different visual representations of math concepts. Teacher can customize adventures for students as well as access teacher materials for classroom instruction.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Inquire with the publisher for subscription rates
Record posted/updated: December 2, 2021
Luke Celebrates 100 Days: A Book About the 100th Day of School
This realistic picture book about the number 100 uses vivid photographs to tell the story of the 100th day of school and the ways in which Luke’s class represented the number 100.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: May 18, 2022
MathUP Classroom Grades K-8 (National Edition)
MathUP Classroom is an online tool for teachers and students designed to build mathematics content knowledge while providing connections to improve understanding and to meet the needs of all students. Components for teachers include: topic overviews, teaching, assessment and differentiation ideas and curriculum correlations. Resources for students include: lessons on strand-based topics, Number Talks, Brain Benders, Wonder Tasks, Cross-strand Tasks and digital puzzles, games and supporting activities. The Ontario Edition topics that originally formed the basis for the online materials in the National Edition have been replaced or will be replaced in the future with topics that meet WNCP requirements.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Contact the publisher for licensing options and prices.
Record posted/updated: February 7, 2023
Mathology Grade 1
Mathology Grade 1 consists of one classroom activity kit comprised of two boxes: one supports learning about number concepts and the other supports the concepts of patterning and algebra, measurement, geometry, data management and probability. Eighteen different titles are available in both a grade pack and as sets of 5 books with a teacher’s guide. A set of blackline masters to enhance student learning is also available. Selected titles in each level contain Indigenous content.
•  A Family Cookout 5-Pack
•  Animal Measures 5-Pack
•  At the Corn Farm 5-Pack
•  Buy 1 - Get 1 5-Pack
•  Canada's Oldest Sport 5-Pack
•  Cats and Kittens! 5-Pack
•  Graph It! 5-Pack
•  Hockey Time! 5-Pack
•  How Many Is Too Many? 5-Pack
•  Mathology Classroom Activity Kit Grade 1
•  Mathology Grade Pack Grade 1
•  Mathology Little Book BLMs Grade 1 Pack
•  Memory Book 5-Pack
•  Midnight and Snowfall 5-Pack
•  Nutty and Wolfy 5-Pack
•  On Safari! 5-Pack
•  Paddling the River 5-Pack
•  That's 10! 5-Pack
•  The Amazing Seed 5-Pack
•  The Tailor Shop 5-Pack
•  What Was Here? 5-Pack
Media and Formats : Book Kit
Price : various prices for components
Record posted/updated: September 17, 2020
Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally(5th Canadian ed.)
This professional resource offers suggestions to teach concepts and procedures specific to mathematics in grades K-8 students. There are suggestion to differentiate instruction for English Language Learners, advanced learners, and learners with difficulties. The resource references real experiences and assessment practices to address the foundations of how children learn. This edition focuses on mathematical inquiry through rich tasks and classroom discourse. There is a companion website listed for blackline masters, activities, additional tools and expanded lessons.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: May 18, 2022