- writing an equation to represent a problem
- solving one step equations.
[C, ME, PS, R]
(a) |
Explain the purpose of the symbol, such as a triangle or circle, in an addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division equation with one unknown (e.g. 36 ÷ _ = 6). |
(b) |
Write an equation in symbolic form for a given pictorial or concrete representation. |
(c) |
Identify the unknown in a story problem, represent the problem with an equation, and solve the problem concretely, pictorially, or symbolically. |
(d) |
Create a problem in context for an equation with one unknown. |
(e) |
Solve a one-step equation using manipulatives. |
(f) |
Solve a one-step equation using guess and test. |
(g) |
Explain what is meant by "one-step equation with one unknown". |
(h) |
Represent and solve an addition or subtraction problem involving a "part-part-whole" or comparison context using a symbol to represent the unknown. |
(i) |
Represent and solve a multiplication or division problem involving equal grouping or partitioning (equal sharing) using a symbol to represent the unknown. |