Shape and Space
Demonstrate an understanding of time by:
  • reading and recording time using digital and analog clocks (including 24 hour clocks)
  • reading and recording calendar dates in a variety of formats.
([C, CN, V])
Demonstrate an understanding of area of regular and irregular 2-D shapes by:
  • recognizing that area is measured in square units
  • selecting and justifying referents for the units cm² or m²
  • estimating area by using referents for cm² or m²
  • determining and recording area (cm² or m²)
  • constructing different rectangles for a given area (cm² or m²) in order to demonstrate that many different rectangles may have the same area.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
Demonstrate an understanding of rectangular and triangular prisms by:
  • identifying common attributes
  • comparing
  • constructing models.
([C, CN, R, V])
Demonstrate an understanding of line symmetry by:
  • identifying symmetrical 2-D shapes
  • creating symmetrical 2-D shapes
  • drawing one or more lines of symmetry in a 2-D shape.
([C, CN, V])
Nelson Math Focus 4
This resource consists of a hardcover student textbook and 12 teacher resource booklets.
•  Nelson Math Focus 4. Student Book
•  Nelson Math Focus 4. Teacher's Resource
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2018
Math Pre-Assessment 4: Finding Each Student's Pathway
This professional resource provides educators with pre-assess tools to identify gaps in their students’ mathematical understanding. Assessment tools are available for each of the mathematical strands. This resource may be used to target individual student supports for informed intervention. The resource includes an access code to the publisher’s Online Teaching Centre.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $299.95
Record posted/updated: July 2, 2021
Pearson Math Makes Sense 4(WNCP ed.)
This resource consists of a student text and teacher's guide with a DVD and CD-ROM.
These resources provide for both formative and summative assessment. Every unit has both a unit problem and a unit test. Rubrics are also provided which include sections about conceptual understanding, procedural knowledge, problem-solving skills and communication.
•  Pearson Math Makes Sense 4. ProGuide (with CD-ROM and DVD)
•  Pearson Math Makes Sense 4. Student Edition
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
The Warlord's Alarm
Chuan and Jing Jing come up with an innovative way of measuring time to ensure that they will be able to wake their warlord before sunrise and arrive at the emperor's gates as they open in the morning.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $16.96
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2018
The Warlord's Kites
Set in the palace of a powerful Chinese warlord, Chuan and his friend Jing Jing, the puppet master's daughter, devise a plan to save the palace from destruction in the face of their enemy's invading army. Together, they use their mathematical and critical thinking skills to construct three kites which they use at nighttime to frighten off the invading army. In the construction process, they use nonstandard units of measurement and multiplication by an array, which illustrates the relationship to area. A historical note explains the importance of kites in Chinese culture and instructions for making a kite are included at the end of the story. Fifth in the Warlord's Series, this story of friendship and teamwork incorporates ancient Chinese culture and traditions with important mathematical concepts.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $22.18
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2018
Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland: A Math Adventure
To earn his knighthood, Radius embarks on a quest to rescue the imprisoned King Lell. In his adventures beyond the Mountains of Obtuse, the hero employs measurement skills to navigate a labyrinth of angles and solve cryptic geometric puzzles. The gift of a circular medallion (a protractor) proves invaluable as Radius realizes its ability to measure the angles. The inclusion of a circular medallion (protractor) allows students to interact with the story.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.86
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2018
Jake Goes to Soccer Practice: A Book About Telling Time
This book is an easy-to-read story about Jake who reads his watch to tell his dad what time to pick him up from soccer practice. It introduces the concept of time and the analog clock. Additional supports include a phonetic glossary, extended learning activities, and sources for further research.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $19.95 USD
Record posted/updated: March 24, 2022
Maps, Curves, and Fractals: Fun, Hands-on Activities for Learning with Coloring Maps, Stitching Curves, and Fantastic Fractals
This student book provides interactive math activities using practical items commonly found around the house to learn about stitching curves and fractal patterns. There are illustrated, step-by-step instructions for each activity which include related tips and math facts.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: May 18, 2022
Geometry + Topology
This student book provides interactive math activities using practical items commonly found around the house to learn about geometry and topology. There are illustrated, step-by-step instructions for each activity which include related tips and math facts.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: May 18, 2022
Math in Nature
This book from the series The Amazing World of Math explores how numbers, angles and shapes are found everywhere in nature. Radial symmetry in animals and plants, the formation of snowflakes, and the shapes of the rocks in Giant's Causeway in Ireland are just some of the topics included in this book.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $34.60
Record posted/updated: July 2, 2021
Math in Science
This book from the series The Amazing World of Math explores how mathematics relates to many scientific discoveries and inventions and how we see the world around us. Measuring the Earth, calculating time and using different number systems are some of the topics included in this book.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $34.60
Record posted/updated: July 2, 2021
Math in Space
This book from the series The Amazing World of Math explores how numbers, angles and shapes are found everywhere in space. The changing Moon, eclipses, shrinking comets, and crystals are some of the topics included in this book.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $34.60
Record posted/updated: July 2, 2021
Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 4-6 (WNCP)
The resources in this series provide a range of open questions that cover the various parts of a problem-solving lesson. These questions may be used to discuss math concepts, to provide practice for concepts and skills, to create extra challenges for students or to act as models for developing your own open questions. Each book in the series focuses on a specific strand: Number, Patterns and Relations/Statistics and Probability and Shape and Space.
•  Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 4-6, Number Strand
•  Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 4-6, Patterns and Relations, Statistics and Probability
•  Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 4-6, Shape and Space
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $54.95 ea.
Record posted/updated: February 10, 2020
MathUP Classroom Grades K-8 (National Edition)
MathUP Classroom is an online tool for teachers and students designed to build mathematics content knowledge while providing connections to improve understanding and to meet the needs of all students. Components for teachers include: topic overviews, teaching, assessment and differentiation ideas and curriculum correlations. Resources for students include: lessons on strand-based topics, Number Talks, Brain Benders, Wonder Tasks, Cross-strand Tasks and digital puzzles, games and supporting activities. The Ontario Edition topics that originally formed the basis for the online materials in the National Edition have been replaced or will be replaced in the future with topics that meet WNCP requirements.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Contact the publisher for licensing options and prices.
Record posted/updated: February 7, 2023
Math in Art and Sports
This book from the series The Amazing World of Math explores how numbers, angles and shapes are found everywhere in art and sports. The rules of composition and dimension in visual art, rhythm in poetry and music, and angles in basketball and golf are some of the topics included in this book.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $34.60
Record posted/updated: July 2, 2021
Math is everywhere! Eric the “mathemagician” shares secrets from the not-so-hidden world of math. The math-shorts aim to support children’s learning by showing them how math is related or connected to other things they know, see, or wonder about.
•  Mathxplosion 1. Math Tricks!
•  Mathxplosion 10. Arresting Arrangements - Patterns
•  Mathxplosion 2. Measurement - It's Not Just About Rulers - Part 1
•  Mathxplosion 4. Math Maybes - Birthdays, Probabilities, and Estimates
•  Mathxplosion 5. Math Stew - Bits 'n Bites - Part 1
•  Mathxplosion 6. Math Stew - Bits 'n Bites - Part 2
•  Mathxplosion 7. Multiplication Marvels
•  Mathxplosion 8. No More Conundrums!
•  Mathxplosion 9. String, Paper, Scissors!
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $790.00 (full series)
Record posted/updated: May 17, 2022
Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally(5th Canadian ed.)
This professional resource offers suggestions to teach concepts and procedures specific to mathematics in grades K-8 students. There are suggestion to differentiate instruction for English Language Learners, advanced learners, and learners with difficulties. The resource references real experiences and assessment practices to address the foundations of how children learn. This edition focuses on mathematical inquiry through rich tasks and classroom discourse. There is a companion website listed for blackline masters, activities, additional tools and expanded lessons.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: May 18, 2022