Demonstrate an understanding of many-to-one correspondence by:
  • comparing correspondences on graphs
  • justifying the use of many-to-one correspondences
  • interpreting data shown using a many-to-one correspondence
  • creating bar graphs and pictographs using many-to-one correspondence.

[C, R, T, V]

Indicators for this outcome

Compare graphs in which different correspondences are used and explain why the correspondence may have been used.


Compare graphs in which the same data have been displayed using a one-to-one and a many-to-one correspondence, and explain how they are the same and different.


Explain why a many-to-one correspondence is sometimes used rather than a one-to-one correspondence.


Find examples of graphs in which a many-to-one correspondence is used in print and electronic media, such as newspapers, magazines, and the Internet, and describe the correspondence used.


Select many-to-one correspondence for displaying a set of data in a graph and justify the choice.


Create and label (with categories, title, and legend) a pictograph to display a set of data using a many-to-one correspondence, and justify the choice of correspondence used.


Create and label (with axes and title) a bar graph to display a set of data using a many-to-one correspondence, and justify the choice of correspondence used.


Answer a question using a graph in which data are displayed using a many-to-one correspondence.

Math Pre-Assessment 4: Finding Each Student's Pathway
This professional resource provides educators with pre-assess tools to identify gaps in their students’ mathematical understanding. Assessment tools are available for each of the mathematical strands. This resource may be used to target individual student supports for informed intervention. The resource includes an access code to the publisher’s Online Teaching Centre.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $299.95
Record posted/updated: July 2, 2021
Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 4-6 (WNCP)
The resources in this series provide a range of open questions that cover the various parts of a problem-solving lesson. These questions may be used to discuss math concepts, to provide practice for concepts and skills, to create extra challenges for students or to act as models for developing your own open questions. Each book in the series focuses on a specific strand: Number, Patterns and Relations/Statistics and Probability and Shape and Space.
•  Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 4-6, Number Strand
•  Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 4-6, Patterns and Relations, Statistics and Probability
•  Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 4-6, Shape and Space
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $54.95 ea.
Record posted/updated: February 10, 2020
MathUP Classroom Grades K-8 (National Edition)
MathUP Classroom is an online tool for teachers and students designed to build mathematics content knowledge while providing connections to improve understanding and to meet the needs of all students. Components for teachers include: topic overviews, teaching, assessment and differentiation ideas and curriculum correlations. Resources for students include: lessons on strand-based topics, Number Talks, Brain Benders, Wonder Tasks, Cross-strand Tasks and digital puzzles, games and supporting activities. The Ontario Edition topics that originally formed the basis for the online materials in the National Edition have been replaced or will be replaced in the future with topics that meet WNCP requirements.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Contact the publisher for licensing options and prices.
Record posted/updated: February 7, 2023
Math is everywhere! Eric the “mathemagician” shares secrets from the not-so-hidden world of math. The math-shorts aim to support children’s learning by showing them how math is related or connected to other things they know, see, or wonder about.
•  Mathxplosion 1. Math Tricks!
•  Mathxplosion 10. Arresting Arrangements - Patterns
•  Mathxplosion 2. Measurement - It's Not Just About Rulers - Part 1
•  Mathxplosion 4. Math Maybes - Birthdays, Probabilities, and Estimates
•  Mathxplosion 5. Math Stew - Bits 'n Bites - Part 1
•  Mathxplosion 6. Math Stew - Bits 'n Bites - Part 2
•  Mathxplosion 7. Multiplication Marvels
•  Mathxplosion 8. No More Conundrums!
•  Mathxplosion 9. String, Paper, Scissors!
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $790.00 (full series)
Record posted/updated: May 17, 2022
Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (5th Canadian ed.)
This professional resource offers suggestions to teach concepts and procedures specific to mathematics in grades K-8 students. There are suggestion to differentiate instruction for English Language Learners, advanced learners, and learners with difficulties. The resource references real experiences and assessment practices to address the foundations of how children learn. This edition focuses on mathematical inquiry through rich tasks and classroom discourse. There is a companion website listed for blackline masters, activities, additional tools and expanded lessons.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: May 18, 2022