Mathematics 8
Shape and Space
Demonstrate understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem concretely or pictorially and symbolically and by solving problems. ([CN, PS, R, T, V]) |
Demonstrate understanding of the surface area of 3-D objects limited to right prisms and cylinders (concretely, pictorially, and symbolically) by:
Demonstrate understanding of volume limited to right prisms and cylinders (concretely, pictorially, or symbolically) by:
Demonstrate an understanding of tessellation by:

All of the Above
Four inner-city students decide to build the world's largest tetrahedron. The story is told through many characters in the story. The four students are Sharice, James, Rhondell and Marcel. The connector between the students and the community is Mr. Collins, the teacher, who had the idea for the tetrahedron project.
The story is based on a true event. In 2002, four students in Cleveland, Ohio built the world's largest tetrahedron, using 16,384 tetrahedrons. At the end of the book is an author's note on the project and a reader's guide.
The story is based on a true event. In 2002, four students in Cleveland, Ohio built the world's largest tetrahedron, using 16,384 tetrahedrons. At the end of the book is an author's note on the project and a reader's guide.
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MathLinks 8
This resource consists of a hardcover student text and a teacher resource.
MathLinks 8. Student Edition
MathLinks 8. Teacher's Resource
Nelson Math Focus 8
This resource consists of a full-colour student text and a 12-booklet teacher resource.
Nelson Math Focus 8. Student Book
Nelson Math Focus 8. Student Workbook
Nelson Math Focus 8. Teacher's Resource
Pearson Math Makes Sense 8(WNCP ed.)
This resource consists of a student text and a teacher resource.
Pearson Math Makes Sense 8. ProGuide
Pearson Math Makes Sense 8. Student Edition

Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 7-9 (WNCP)
The resources in this series provide a range of open questions that cover the various parts of a problem-solving lesson. These questions may be used to discuss math concepts, to provide practice for concepts and skills, to create extra challenges for students or to act as models for developing your own open questions. Each book in the series focuses on a specific strand: Number, Patterns and Relations/Statistics and Probability and Shape and Space.
Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 7-9, Number Strand
Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 7-9, Patterns and Relations, Statistics and Probability
Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 7-9, Shape and Space

Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally(5th Canadian ed.)
This professional resource offers suggestions to teach concepts and procedures specific to mathematics in grades K-8 students. There are suggestion to differentiate instruction for English Language Learners, advanced learners, and learners with difficulties. The resource references real experiences and assessment practices to address the foundations of how children learn. This edition focuses on mathematical inquiry through rich tasks and classroom discourse. There is a companion website listed for blackline masters, activities, additional tools and expanded lessons.
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