Demonstrate an understanding of primary trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine, and tangent).

[CN, PS, R, T, V]

Indicators for this outcome

Observe a set of similar right triangles and analyze and draw conclusions about the ratios of the lengths, with respect to one acute angle of the:

  • side opposite to the side adjacent
  • side opposite to the hypotenuse
  • side adjacent to the hypotenuse.

Identify situations where the trigonometric ratios can be used for indirect measurement for angles and lengths.


Develop, generalize, explain, and apply formulae for the primary trigonometric ratios (cosine, tangent, and sine).


Analyze solutions to situational questions that involve primary trigonometric ratios to determine if they are reasonable and explain the reasoning.


Apply knowledge and skills related to the solving of right triangles using the primary trigonometric ratios to create and solve situational problems relevant to self, family, or community.

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Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: August 13, 2019