Apply proportional reasoning to solve problems involving unit pricing and currency exchange.

[CN, ME, PS, R, T]

Indicators for this outcome

Create and solve problems relevant to self, family, and community that involve best buy, and explain the solution in terms of the cost as well as other factors, such as quality and quantity.


Describe and analyze, using relevant examples taken from print and other media, different sales promotion techniques (e.g., deli meat at $2 per 100g seems less expensive than $20 per kilogram).


Determine the percent increase or decrease from an original price to a new price and explain the reasoning for the method


Develop (using proportional reasoning), explain, and apply strategies for:

  • comparing the unit price of two or more items
  • solving situational problems involving currency exchange
  • determining percent increase or decrease for a given situation.

Develop using proportional reasoning and mental mathematics strategies, explain, and apply strategies for estimating the cost of items or services in Canadian currency while in a foreign country or when making purchases via the Internet, and explain why this may be important.


Convert between Canadian currency and foreign currencies, such as Mexican or American currencies, using formulas, charts, or tables, and explain how to know if the solution is reasonable


Analyze solutions to situational questions that involve unit pricing or conversions of currency to determine if they are reasonable and explain the reasoning.


Research advantages and disadvantages for individuals, groups, businesses, and communities of having differences in currency rates between Canada and the United States.

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Record posted/updated: August 13, 2019