Analyze the relationship between governance institutions in Saskatchewan and the quality of life of people in the province.
Indicators for this outcome

Identify ways in which Saskatchewan people can be involved in making decisions which affect their local communities (e.g., run as a candidate for school board, local government, or band elections; vote during elections; attend community forums).


Illustrate the organization of the municipal or band decision-making process, including the name of the sitting mayor, reeve, or chief.


Describe ways in which Saskatchewan people can be involved in the democratic process regarding decisions which affect their province, and explain why it is important to be an active participant in the democratic process (e.g., vote in provincial elections; belong to a political party; run for member of the provincial or First Nations legislative assembly; communicate with the member of the legislative assembly about issues of concern).


Represent the structure of the provincial decision-making process in Saskatchewan naming the sitting premier, the leader of the opposition, and the local member of the legislative assembly.


Investigate the methods the provincial government uses to raise revenue (e.g., resource revenues, taxes on consumption, provincial sales tax, fuel tax, tax on cigarettes and alcohol) to pay for services and evaluate the impact on quality of life for Saskatchewan people (e.g., health care, education, highways, social services, justice).


Analyze how the symbols of Saskatchewan, including the coat of arms, the flag, and the provincial motto, reflect the values and qualities of the people and the government of Saskatchewan.

Municipalities Matter
This teacher's guide provides information about Saskatchewan's local government and civic election process. The resource includes background information for students and teachers on what a municipality is and the people who govern a municipality. Various lesson plans are included for planning purposes.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: August 15, 2020
Saskatchewan Social Studies 4. Student Text
Saskatchewan Social Studies 4 has been custom published for Saskatchewan and has been developed by a team of Saskatchewan teachers. At the beginning of each unit, the Essential Question box sets the focus for the unit. The book provides opportunities for hands-on learning and engages students with My Story, Closer Look, and Making a Difference, and Looking Back activities.
•  Saskatchewan Social Studies 4. Teacher Resource with DVD
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $85.31
Record posted/updated: August 15, 2020
Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Grade 4: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
Students will extend their exploration of rules and societal order to the workings of the various governing systems in Saskatchewan, including First Nations and Métis governance and provincial governance structures. Students will begin to understand the impact of the differing levels of government and understand the connections between varying levels of responsibility.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 25, 2019
Hands-On Social Studies Grade 4. Saskatchewan Edition
This resource contains classroom activities grouped into units that support the four goals of the Saskatchewan curriculum: Interactions and Interdependence, Dynamic Relationships, Power and Authority, and Resources and Wealth. Each unit begins with planning tips for the teacher, a list of the outcomes that are supported through the activities, reproducible student materials and assessment ideas. Background information for the teacher is also included at the beginning of each activity, along with guided inquiry questions for students.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $125.00
Record posted/updated: January 15, 2025
Under One Sun Grade 4. Complete Classroom Set
This set includes six copies each of six pamphlets and one print teacher's resource. The reading levels range from N-S. The topics address various aspects of treaty such as treaty symbols, making treaties, Treaty Days, the fairness of numbered treaties and residential schools.
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 10, 2022