Express ideas through exploration of the elements of dance including:
  • action
  • body
  • dynamics
  • relationships
  • space.
Indicators for this outcome

Use movement to respond to stimuli from diverse sources such as stories, poems, observations, visual images, music, sounds, or objects.


Ask questions related to the stimuli to contribute to a dance-making inquiry process (e.g., How does grass move when the wind blows?).


Apply personal experience and imagination to express ideas in dance.


Share dance ideas and movement responses with other children.


Move to external beats and rhythms (e.g., round dance, jigging).


Describe choices made when creating (e.g., fast or slow, roll or hop).


Investigate what own body can do by exploring a variety of whole body and body part movements to express ideas.


Repeat expressive movements and patterns created by self and others.


Use different kinds of locomotor (travelling) and non-locomotor (non-travelling) actions (e.g., roll, jump, hop, turn, and pause) to express ideas.


Use a variety of dynamic qualities such as quickly and softly in dance compositions.


Recall that the dance space is called general space and that personal space is each child's "bubble" or self-space.


Move freely and safely in general space while maintaining self-space (not contacting).


Explore different movement relationships (e.g., leading, following, near, far, over, under, in front, behind) with the teacher and other dancers.
