Explore a variety of drama strategies including:
  • role
  • imaging
  • parallel play
  • journeys
  • meetings.
Indicators for this outcome

Use sources such as stories, poems, observations, visual images, music, sounds, or objects to initiate drama work.


Recognize that dramas are fictional situations.


Contribute to the choice of topic ideas for the drama.


Ask questions to contribute to inquiry on a drama topic (e.g., What might happen to animals if winter did not come this year? What if a messenger came to tell us that a giant was seen outside the town?).


Listen to others and work co-operatively in dramatic contexts.


Explore ideas in dramatic contexts and during reflection, drawing on own life experience.


Use imagination during, and when reflecting on, the drama experience.


Assume roles willingly in contextual drama.


Listen quietly during imaging activities and become aware of thoughts and feelings that cannot be seen.


Focus attention on own work, while respecting others, during parallel play and imaginary journeys.


Contribute ideas during fictional meetings and other dramatic situations.


Retell events and ideas that arise during the drama process.
