Analyze the relationship between current and historical events and the physical and social environments in Pacific and northern Canada and in a selection of Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries.
Indicators for this outcome

Relate current issues to location by using physical maps, political maps, and population maps of Canada, and a selection of Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries in order to understand the role of geography in shaping political events (e.g., sovereignty over the North-West Passage, Western intervention in other countries, political alliances, adoption of a system of government) and economic activity (e.g., economic alliances, trading partners, exploitation of resources, impact of the reserve system on First Nations populations) in Canada, and a selection of Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries.


Examine the effects of natural or human catastrophes on affected populations, and, by extension, on the history of human habitation of the region.


Analyze the influence of contact with another culture on the Aboriginal peoples of Canada, circumpolar countries, and a selection of Pacific Rim countries (e.g., the influence of Europeans on the indigenous peoples of Canada, Mexico, and Australia).


Assess the effects of relocations and deportations of affected groups in Canada, and in circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries (e.g., the Acadian deportation, the treatment of European immigrants during WWI, the internment of Japanese-Canadians in WW2, First Nations children in Canada and Australia abducted from their homes to attend residential schools).


Conduct an inquiry synthesizing the link between historical events, population dynamics, and environment.


Investigate relationships within and among select circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries to determine reasons for current political and economic relationships.


Debate the positions of circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries with respect to climate change.

Saskatchewan Social Studies 7. Student Edition
Saskatchewan Social Studies 7 has been custom published for Saskatchewan and has been developed by a team of Saskatchewan teachers. At the beginning of each unit, the Essential Question box sets the focus for the unit. The book provides opportunities for hands-on learning and engages students with What Do You Think, More About, Map Skills and Thinking It Through activities. Included are an atlas, a skills section and a glossary.
•  Saskatchewan Social Studies 7. Teacher Resource with DVD
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $98.43
Record posted/updated: August 27, 2020
The Chinese Thought of It: Amazing Inventions and Innovations
The Chinese people used the resources around them to improve their lives. Travel and trade were facilitated with the development of the paddleboat. The dragon-spine water lift allowed the Chinese to move water from the river to a field or reservoir. The Chinese were among the first to invent processes for working with metal. Health and healing practices, such as inoculations, are believed to be used as early as the 10th century CE.
The book includes photographs, illustrations, a table of contents, a note on the symbols used in the book and an index.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
The Land is Our Storybook Series
This series examines living in the far north. Each young author resides in the north and the stories are based on their experiences. Students learn about living off the land from members of the community and learn to embrace the modern world and hold onto their northern traditions and culture. Each story includes terms in a northern language, such as Gwichya Gwiich'in. Each book includes "All the Details" which provides brief explanations for the terms.
•  Come and Learn with Me = Éwo,séh Kedidih
•  The Caribou Feed Our Soul = ?étthén bet à dághíddá
•  The Delta is My Home = Ehdiitat shanankat t'agoonch'uu = Uvanga Nunatarmuitmi aimayuaqtunga
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $16.95 ea.
Record posted/updated: August 27, 2020
Learning About Treaties in Canada
This DVD explores the history of treaties in Canada. It explains how the understanding of the treaty process and the future impact of the treaties varied greatly between the signatories from European cultures and First Nations peoples. The film explains the geographical regions included in treaties, how we are all treaty people and how treaties affect all of our lives as Canadians. A teacher's guide to support the DVD is available online through the distributor's website.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $159.00
Record posted/updated: August 15, 2020
The History of Treaties in Canada
The program explains the origins of treaties in Canada and how these documents continue to shape the relationships of First Nations with the Government of Canada today. Topics discussed include: the creation of reserves, land rights issues, the spirit and intent of treaties, the development of legislation and the creation of residential schools. A teacher's guide is available to accompany the DVD.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : $159.00
Record posted/updated: August 15, 2020
Feeding a Growing World: Exploring Saskatchewan's Role in Global Food Security
Feeding a Growing World is a multimedia resource designed to complement the November 6, 2014 event: Agriculture in the Classroom Presents: Exploring Saskatchewan's Role in Global Food Security with Craig Keilburger. Using an inquiry approach, this resource supports students as they investigate the question: How might Saskatchewan agriculture contribute to global food security for 9 billion people? The resource consists of a teacher's manual (including lesson plans, outcomes, assessments, and student handouts); a four-part video; a SMART board interactive game; a student slideshow to assist in the inquiry process; and information sheets on six branches of study.
An information package for the event, including further information about the components of Feeding a Growing World, as well as the learning outcomes for the resource are both available for download.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
The Inuit Thought of It: Amazing Arctic Innovations
The Inuit survived harsh living conditions for hundreds of years without modern conveniences. The authors highlight some of the technologies that the Inuit used to survive in the north. Some of these technologies are used today with a modern twist, such as the kayak and snow goggles.
The book includes photographs, illustrations, a table of contents, a note on the symbols used in the book and an index.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Residential Schools. Truth and Reconciliation in Canada (Educator's Package)
This DVD provides an overview of residential schools - from the historical events that led to their creation, up to their closure, the Government of Canada's official apology and the report and Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Bonus footage and a PDF resource guide are included on the DVD.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : $129.00
Record posted/updated: August 15, 2020
Transforming Charity into Solidarity and Justice: Global Citizenship Education. Module 1
The Transforming Charity into Solidarity and Justice Module aims to guide students through understanding the potential and limitations of charity and how it necessitates global justice and solidarity.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Grade 7: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
Students begin to investigate and understand the various types of power and governance within their own country at the local, regional, provincial, national and global levels. As the understanding of the levels of power that govern Canada develop, students compare and contrast those structures and processes with countries operating within Pacific Rim and circumpolar regions that do not operate as democracies.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 21, 2019
Culture Quest. Student Book: Exploring World Cultures
This resource explores cultures from around the world and helps students understand the role that culture plays in our lives. Topics discussed in the text include: Environment and Culture, Elements of Culture and Expressions of Culture.
•  Culture Quest. Teacher's Resource: Exploring World Cultures
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $93.95
Record posted/updated: August 27, 2020
Choose Your Voice: Antisemitism in Canada
Choose Your Voice is an antiracism and antisemitism education program that was originally distributed to all schools across Canada. The kit, consisting of a teacher's guide, DVD and poster, provides activities to help students understand the dangers of hatred and stereotypes, and to find their own voices to combat them.
The components of the kit are available for ordering or download at www.chooseyourvoice.ca
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Stories of Courage: Saskatchewan Second World War Veterans Remember
This series of eight videos presents the personal stories of 17 Saskatchewan residents who served during the World War II.
•  Aboriginal War Experiences. Episode 5
•  Prisoners of War. Episode 4
•  Supporting the Troops. Episode 6
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: August 24, 2021
Time for a Change
This kit explores the histories of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in Canada and some of the challenges created by the Indian Residential School System and the Indian Act. The need for reconciliation is also explored and the importance to all Canadians of finding their own path to reconciliation. The kit contains 16 student editions and one cross-curricular teacher guide. A link to the publisher’s website offers access to additional supports that include an introductory video, links to age-appropriate content, maps and more.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 15, 2022