Native Studies 30: Canadian Studies
Land Claims and Treaty Land Entitlements
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curriculum document
for complete information about the units in this curriculum.

Finding Our Way
This video examines the struggles of two First Nations in the Carrier territory in British Columbia. In The Contagion of Colonisation, viewers will learn the historical context behind the First Nations groups circumstances. High Noon in Burns Lake focuses on the Ts'il Kaz Koh First Nation (Burns Lake Band). The Band has been in conflict with the village of Burns Lake over appropriated land. In 2000, the municipality shut off water and sewage services to the Reserve. Cheslatta Carrier Nation's story is told in Keeping Our Heads Above Water. In 1952, Alcan's hydroelectric project evicts people from their homeland. Today, the First Nation is struggling economically and culturally.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Aboriginal Beliefs, Values, and Aspirations
The worldviews of First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples are explored in this resource, as well as their contributions to Canada and to the world. The resource also explains Indigenous traditional and contemporary beliefs and how these values contribute to their visions of the future. Political, economic, cultural and social challenges are also discussed.
Aboriginal Beliefs, Values, and Aspirations. Teacher Resource