Explore, express, and apply, with guidance, a variety of ways to skillfully move objects while participating in movement activities, including at a:
  • utilization level of skill when:
    • throwing
    • catching (collecting, gathering)
    • kicking
  • control level of skill when:
    • hand dribbling
    • foot dribbling
    • striking objects with hands
    • striking objects with short-handled implements (e.g., short-handled racquets, paddles)
  • progressing-towards-control level of skill when:
    • volleying (to send an object in the air before it comes to rest)
    • striking objects with long-handled implements (e.g., bats, golf clubs, hockey sticks).
Indicators for this outcome

Explore and discuss a variety of ways to volley balloons and lightweight balls with hands and with various body parts (e.g., with two hands over head, with two hands underhand, with head, with inside of right foot, with inside of left foot) to determine how the body movement changes when volleying in different ways.


Explore and propose how the body positioning and movement changes to strike different objects using various long-handled implements [e.g., shuttlecocks (badminton birdies), whiffle balls, foam balls, tennis balls; tennis racquet, bat, badminton racquet]; holding with one hand, with two hands, underhand, overhead.


Use performance words (e.g., "head up looking forward", "ball out in front", "step forward", "backswing", "follow through") to demonstrate understanding of performance cues language associated with skillful sending and receiving of objects.


Say performance cues (think-aloud) while performing hand dribbling, foot dribbling, striking objects with hands, striking objects with short-handled implements, volleying, and striking objects with long-handled implements.


Describe how the body will move in control while hand dribbling, foot dribbling, striking objects with hands, and striking objects with short-handled implements skillfully and safely.


Throw (toss) and catch with hands, maintaining control, a variety of objects (e.g., bean bags, hoops) and different sized and shaped balls, with different combinations of movement (stationary thrower to stationary receiver, stationary thrower to moving receiver, moving thrower to stationary receiver, and moving thrower to moving receiver).


Throw and catch objects that rebound off a surface (e.g., off the floor, off a wall).


Throw a ball at a target, such as a net, while body is in the air (jumping).


Throw a frisbee to a stationary target, such as a partner.


Catch objects thrown to different levels, both with the hands and with implements such as a scoop.


Catch small objects with one hand utilizing both the right hand and the left hand.


Pass (send) and receive soccer balls with different combinations of movement (stationary sender to stationary receiver and stationary sender to moving receiver, and progressing towards moving sender to stationary receiver, and moving sender to moving receiver).


Kick a ball at a target, such as a net, using a running approach towards a stationary ball.


Kick a ball that is stationary on the ground and raise it so it travels through the air to a partner.


Self-assess ability to control manipulative skills such as throwing, catching, and kicking, to move as many balls as possible in a given amount of time (e.g., throw and catch with a partner, counting successful completions; kick a line-up of balls at a target, counting number of kicks).


Dribble on the spot with one hand using the pads of the fingers to make contact on top of the ball and holding wrist firm yet flexible; bending knees slightly and keeping back straight as if sitting down a little; positioning feet with foot opposite to dribbling hand forward; holding head up looking for open spaces in the direction of potential travel.


Dribble with one hand through general space without losing control while keeping the hand on top of the ball and keeping the ball a little in front and to the side of the body.


Dribble with feet by gently tapping the ball with the inside of the foot – left and right – so that it stays within one metre of the body at all times, holding head up looking for open spaces in the direction of potential travel, and trapping the ball to stop movement by placing a foot on top and slightly behind the ball to stop the dribble.


Dribble with feet around stationary objects (e.g., pylons) while moving slowly.


Strike a ball forward with one hand by holding the ball in the non-striking hand, positioning feet with foot opposite to striking hand forward, hitting arm swings backward with weight shifting backward at the same time, swinging arm forward with weight shifting forward and upper body leaning forward slightly from the waist, striking the ball from underneath with an open palm, contacting the ball out in front of the hips, extending the body motion forward and following through with the striking arm towards the target.


Strike a small ball (e.g., low-bounce tennis ball, foam ball) with a short-handled paddle repeatedly upwards holding the paddle level and the wrist stiff, keeping eyes on the object at all times, focusing on a consistent contact point, and following through upward slightly.


Strike a self-dropped foam ball or low-bounce tennis ball, with a short-handled paddle by starting with the paddle back behind the hip, stepping forward with the foot opposite to paddle hand, swinging paddle forward watching the object at all times, slanting paddle slightly upwards, making contact slightly in front of the body, and following through towards a target.


Explore and practise volleying a balloon, beach ball, or soft touch ball to self in the air repeatedly using a variety of body parts (e.g., hands, arms, head, knees) while trying to remain in personal space.


Explore and practise striking stationary objects (e.g., bean bags, foam/plastic balls, tennis balls, plastic/foam pucks) at large targets using a plastic bat, hockey stick, and/or plastic golf club.


Explore and practise striking shuttlecocks (badminton birdies) and tennis balls, using long-handled racquets.
