Evaluate personal commitment to assessing risk factors and applying safe practices while participating in a variety of movement activities.
Indicators for this outcome

Demonstrate and explain appropriate body control and safe movement during participation in movement activities (e.g., body alignment during lifting, carrying, pushing, and pulling).


Analyze the safety benefits and risks associated with participation in specific movement activities (e.g., body management activities – landings and rotations; games – physical contact with other people).


Propose and practise preventative solutions to potential risks associated with participation in specified movement activities (e.g., body management activities – protecting neck when rolling; target games – pinching fingers between bowling balls; striking/fielding games – being hit by a long-handed implement; invasion/territorial games – tripping over another group's ball).


Determine safety provisions (e.g., band-aids, tweezers, sling) needed in case of possible injury or illness (e.g., cuts, burns, heat exhaustion, allergies) that can occur during participation in movement activities.


Evaluate own approach to safe participation in a variety of movement activities.
