Analyze and apply, with guidance, movement concepts while participating in:
  • net/wall games (e.g., badminton - body awareness in ready position to receive a serve)
  • striking/fielding games (e.g., softball - body position to catch a fly ball or grounder).
Indicators for this outcome

Communicate, with clarity and correctness, using performance words to demonstrate understanding of how to perform a variety of movements associated with net/wall and striking/fielding games.


Select and practise effective grip, footwork, and body movement to execute the various strokes used in net games such as tennis, badminton, table tennis, and pickleball.


Demonstrate recommended footwork for movement on the court and field as required for the situation.


Compare the performance cues of various skills used in a variety of net/wall games and striking/fielding games (e.g., serve reception in volleyball compared to hit reception in softball; striking in softball compared to underhand stroke in tennis).


Demonstrate progression in skills development of self-selected and teacher-selected skills required for participation in net/wall games and striking/fielding games by using a pre-assessment, plan for growth, principle of practice, and post-assessment method.


Communicate, with clarity and correctness, the terminology associated with skills and rules for selected team movement activities (e.g., drop shot, clear, service in net/wall games; leading off, stealing bases in striking/fielding games).


Apply movement concepts while participating in game situations with classmates.


Analyze the application of movement concepts, by self and others, after participation in a movement activity.


Propose and demonstrate adjustments in individual skill performance to respond to given and evolving strategic needs in game situations (e.g., softball - hitting to right field as opposed to hitting to left field).
