(a) |
Demonstrate an awareness of key historical and artistic developments and trends as they relate to the eras and styles of jazz (e.g., Great Depression, WW II, swing). |
(b) |
Identify influential performers in the history of jazz (e.g., players on the level of Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Bill Evans, Elvin Jones, Louis Armstrong) players that everyone who plays jazz should know. Investigate why these performers are identified as particularly influential and listen to their music. |
(c) |
Describe the different peoples that made up the culture of New Orleans at the start of the 20th century and the ways that these cultures influenced the development of jazz music. |
(d) |
Research career avenues in jazz and music in general. |

Werner's effortless mastery approach teaches students to remove blocks between them and their artistic expression and encourages them to practice with greater efficiency, concentration and effectiveness.

A second DVD provides special features such as pre- and post-class interviews with the students, interviews with Gary Giddins and Jimmy and Percy Heath and transcriptions of "Sleeves" and "Love Song". During the interview, the brothers talk about making a living and the New Jazz Quartet.
The transcription scrolls across the screen while the brothers are playing "Love Song" and "Sleeves."

A second DVD includes special features such as pre- and post-class interviews with the students, interviews with Gary Giddins and Hank Jones and a transcription of "Alone Together."
The transcription scrolls across the screen while Jones is playing.

The book includes a forward, an afterward, a table of contents and an extensive index. It is illustrated with black-and-white photographs.

A second DVD provides special features such as pre- and post-class interviews with the students, interviews with Gary Giddins and Clark Terry and a transcription of "Perdido."