Instrumental Jazz 30
Improvise in a jazz style on an instrument showing understanding of applicable jazz theory. |
Infuse, independently, the understanding of jazz theory into personal musical performance. |
Show growth in individual instrumental techniques and knowledge of the elements of music and apply these to create or show a musical product. |

Elements of the Jazz Language for the Developing Improvisor
Together with visuals and audio examples, this professional resource describes common licks and shows how they were used by different well-known soloists and how the licks can be inserted into some common chord progressions. The accompanying CD includes solo excerpts that accompany sections of the text and 30 exercises for practising the techniques.

Jazz by Ken Burns Series
This is a series of programs that examines this history of jazz music. A website to accompany the series is available at
A Masterpiece by Midnight (1960 to the Present)
C-Jam Blues by Duke Ellington
Dedicated to Chaos (1940-1945)
Gumbo (Beginnings to 1917)
I Cover the Waterfront by Louis Armstrong
New Rhumba by Miles Davis
Our Language (1924-1929)
Risk (1945-1955)
Swing. Pure Pleasure (1935-1937)
Swing. The Velocity of Celebration (1937-1939)
The Adventure (1956-1960)
The First Frame
The Gift (1917-1924)
The True Welcome (1929-1934)

Teaching Music Improvisation with Technology
This book explores multiple areas of music technology and offers exercises and activities for students to develop skills in improvisation. The resource draws on theory and influential artists to lay a musical foundation for students. There are many numbered steps and diagrams indicating how to use various software programs. While many of the strategies could be used for any genre of music that employs improvisation, the excerpts and references in the text