English Language Arts 2
Imaginative and Literary
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Max's Words
Max's two brothers are collectors. Benjamin collects stamps and Karl collects coins and they will not share with their little brother. Max decides he is going to collect words. Max starts with small words and his collection soon starts to spread. As Benjamin and Karl brag about how many stamps and coins they have, Max is able to create stories with his word collection. This video is based on the book written by Kate Banks and illustrated by Boris Kulikov.

Duck on a Bike
One day on the farm, Duck has a crazy idea - he will ride a bike! At first, Duck is wobbly on the bike and rides very slowly, but he soon masters riding a bike. Duck has fun and as he passes everyone in the barnyard, they all have something to say about Duck on a bike.
Later, a group of children ride by on their bikes. They jump off their bikes and run into the farmhouse. Temptation strikes as the other animals look at the bikes and get their chance to ride a bike.
This title won the 2002 School Library Journal Best Book of the Year.
Later, a group of children ride by on their bikes. They jump off their bikes and run into the farmhouse. Temptation strikes as the other animals look at the bikes and get their chance to ride a bike.
This title won the 2002 School Library Journal Best Book of the Year.
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Little Beauty and Silly Billy
This video contains two stories written and illustrated by Anthony Browne. In Little Beauty, a kitten and gorilla form an usual friendship reminiscent of the classic tale, Beauty and the Beast. This title would support student discussion of feelings including loneliness, anger and frustration. In addition, forms of nonverbal communication could be explored through the gorilla's use of sign language to communicate. In Silly Billy, a young boy frets about everything, especially when he is trying to sleep, until his grandmother provides him with Guatemalan worry dolls that will do the worrying for him. This title provides strategies for calming fears. The inclusion of a segment on the tradition of the worry doll provides insight into another culture. This video would be an ideal resource for an author study or for units on families, friendship or feelings.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Duck on a Bike
One day on the farm, Duck has a crazy idea - he will ride a bike! At first, Duck is wobbly on the bike and rides very slowly, but soon masters bike riding. Duck has fun and as he passes everyone in the barnyard, they all have something to say about Duck on a bike. Later, a group of children ride by on their bikes and run into the farmhouse, leaving their bikes outside. Temptation strikes as the other animals try riding bikes, too. This video is based on the picture book by David Shannon.

The Best Story
What makes the best story? In this DVD program, the library is having a contest for the best story, and at stake is a roller coaster ride with an author. One young girl really covets the prize. She asks her brother, her father, and her Aunt Jane for their ideas on what makes the best story, and the young girl soon discovers that the best story is one that comes from the heart.

No Roses for Harry
Fashion-conscious Harry the dog faces a dilemma in this story. Grandma gave Harry a comfortable rose-covered sweater for a gift, but Harry does not like wearing flowers. After making several unsuccessful attempts to lose the sweater, his luck finally changes. A bird tugs on a loose thread, unravelling the sweater and turning it into a nest. Without Harry's new sweater, Grandma's next visit could be awkward, but everything turns out alright in the end. This video is an adaptation from the book by Gene Zion and illustrated by Margaret Bloy Graham.
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$59.95 USD
Record posted/updated:
December 3, 2021

Canadian Poems for Canadian Kids(3rd ed.)
This anthology contains poetry by Canadian authors, including representation from Saskatchewan. Linguists believe that reading poetry to young children stimulates the imagination and develops language skills. In this collection, the poems explore Canadian life and use humour to explore fears or to express sorrow.
Black-and-white illustrations complement the poems. The text includes a table of contents and brief author biographies.
Black-and-white illustrations complement the poems. The text includes a table of contents and brief author biographies.

Alligator Pie(Classic ed.)
Dennis Lee's book of poetry and rhymes for children has been reissued in a collector's edition. The poems reflect a Canadian child's world - children are invited to "skip to Casa Loma" or to imagine an Ookpik who can "dance on Niagara Falls." Children will identify with the universal themes in Lee's poetry. The delights, fears and interests of a young child are explored in the variety of verses found in this anthology. The illustrations by Frank Newfeld contribute to the humour in many of the selections.
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Wild About Books
Librarian Molly McGrew takes her book mobile to the zoo where she introduces the animals to reading. Molly finds joke books for the hyenas, books in Chinese for the pandas, and waterproof books for the otters. Before long, the animals become voracious readers and they soon begin writing as well. Insects write haikus, the cheetah writes a novel and the hippo a memoir. This video is an adaptation of the book written by Judy Sierra and illustrated by Marc Brown.
Media and Formats :
Price :
$59.95 USD
Record posted/updated:
December 3, 2021

This classic tale of triumph over adversity is entertainingly retold by Barbra Karlin. The James Marshall illustrations, accompanied by fine narration, animation and good musical background, create an easy to follow, humorous version of this old fairy tale. The program guide contains suggestions for other "Cinderella" tales.
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Record posted/updated:
October 8, 2020

Diary of a Spider
This upside down story of friends, family, and school told with humour is about the upside-down web world of a young spider. This particular young spider goes to school, but he also spins sticky webs and takes wind-catching lessons. This video is adapted from the book by Doreen Cronin, illustrated by Harry Bliss, who also created the book, of writing in his world.

The Librarian From the Black Lagoon
Rumours thrive about the school library. It is said that the librarian, Mrs. Beamster, laminates people who talk or whisper. She puts glue on chairs to prevent wriggling and recites the Dewey Decimal System during story time. Some say that the shelves in the library are electrified and kids need to go through a Decontamination Room before entering. When the class plans to visit the library for the first time, the students prepare themselves for the worst. Imagine their surprise when they are welcomed to a warm and friendly place, where a smiling librarian invites them to explore some of the fun and funny books they have to offer. This video is an adaptation of the picture book written by Mike Thaler and illustrated by Jared Lee.
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The Penguin and the Pea
Penguin Prince is sad, lonely and longs to find the perfect penguin princess to be his wife. One night, a drenched penguin arrives at the castle claiming to be a princess. The prince falls in love with the beautiful and mysterious stranger. He wonders if she really is a princess and there is only one way to find out! Students should enjoy this retelling of the tale The Princess and the Pea.
This title is also part of the complete Nelson Literacy 2 comprehensive format kit.
This title is also part of the complete Nelson Literacy 2 comprehensive format kit.

Bradley McGogg: The Very Fine Frog
Bradley McGogg lives in the bog in a hollowed-out log. The bog is filled with good things to eat. One day Bradley goes to his pantry and finds that the cupboards are bare. He decides to meet his new neighbours in hopes of getting something to eat. As Bradley meets his neighbours, he decides that their food choices are disgusting. Returning to the bog, his home is filled with all kinds of delicious bugs.