(a) |
View and demonstrate comprehension of grade-appropriate visual and multimedia texts including multimedia clips, signs, illustrations, diagrams, photographs, graphs, simple charts, and posters. |
(b) |
Select and use task-relevant before, during, and after strategies to construct meaning when viewing. |
(c) |
Understand and apply the appropriate cues and conventions (pragmatic, textual, syntactical, semantic/lexical/morphological, graphophonic, and other) to construct and confirm meaning when viewing. |
(d) |
Obtain information from different media (e.g., multimedia clips, websites, video clips, magazine photographs). |
(e) |
Show courtesy and respect while viewing (e.g., presentations by individuals from various cultures including First Nations and Métis). |
(f) |
View and interpret, with teacher support, the purpose of a message (e.g., to sell a product, to express feelings, to inform). |
(g) |
Distinguish between fact (observable) and fantasy (imagined). |
(h) |
Identify the intent and appeal of particular television advertisements aimed at children. |
(i) |
Distinguish between a commercial and a program on television. |
(j) |
Explain how elements such as colour, sound, music, physical movement, and arrangement enhance visual and multimedia texts and products including First Nations and Métis texts, visual art works, and performances such as music, dance, and drama. |

Set in a small American town prior to the civil rights movement, the theme of segregation in this video offers opportunities for discussion of issues or discrimination and racism.