Speak clearly and audibly in an appropriate sequence for a familiar audience and a specific purpose when recounting stories and experiences, giving directions, offering an opinion and providing reasons, and explaining information and directions.
Indicators for this outcome

Use oral language to initiate and sustain a conversation with a number of exchanges, interact with others, exchange ideas on a topic, and engage in play.


Select and use task-relevant before, during, and after strategies when speaking to communicate meaning.


Understand and apply the appropriate cues and conventions (pragmatic, textual, syntactical, semantic/lexical/morphological, graphophonic, and other) to construct and communicate meaning when speaking.


Recount experiences, stories (including contemporary and traditional First Nations and Métis stories), or current events, in a logical sequence and with necessary details.


Report on a topic with facts and details, drawing from several sources of information.


Deliver brief recitations (e.g., recite poems, rhymes, verses, and finger plays), participate in choral readings, and give oral presentations about familiar experiences or interests, organized around a coherent focus.


Give directions to help or explain.


Make relevant contributions to class discussions and take turns.


Dramatize a scene from a folktale or traditional First Nations or Métis narrative.


Explain how new ideas and information have added to understanding.

The Other Side
Clover always wondered why there was a fence separating the African-American and Caucasian sides of the town. When a young girl from the other side of the fence starts to sit on the fence, Clover's curiosity and a friendship develop.
Set in a small American town prior to the civil rights movement, the theme of segregation in this video offers opportunities for discussion of issues or discrimination and racism.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Bink & Gollie
Bink and Gollie are marvelous companions who often do not agree...on socks...or goldfish...or venturing to the Andes. This animated story relates how compromise helps these two very different individuals remain the best of friends. The program presents three stories that can be viewed in segments, or as a whole, and supports student understanding and discussion on the themes of friendship, respect, problem-solving and feelings.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: October 8, 2020