English Language Arts 2
Reflect on and assess their viewing, listening, reading, speaking, writing, and other representing experiences and strategies by participating in discussions and relating work to a set of criteria (e.g., "What did I learn?").
Indicators for this outcome
(a) |
Reflect, with guidance, on viewing, listening, reading, representing, speaking, and writing by explaining what is effective or what they like in a text. |
(b) |
Reflect, with guidance, on own strategies ("What do I do well? How could I be better?"). |
(c) |
Use a range of strategies (e.g., unfamiliar word – rereads the sentence, uses picture cues, uses initial letter cues, breaks word into parts) when something does not make sense. |
(d) |
Explain strategies used and why they were used. |
(e) |
Review own work and set goals to improve it (e.g., check for missing words in writing). |

The Other Side
Clover always wondered why there was a fence separating the African-American and Caucasian sides of the town. When a young girl from the other side of the fence starts to sit on the fence, Clover's curiosity and a friendship develop.
Set in a small American town prior to the civil rights movement, the theme of segregation in this video offers opportunities for discussion of issues or discrimination and racism.
Set in a small American town prior to the civil rights movement, the theme of segregation in this video offers opportunities for discussion of issues or discrimination and racism.

Bink & Gollie
Bink and Gollie are marvelous companions who often do not agree...on socks...or goldfish...or venturing to the Andes. This animated story relates how compromise helps these two very different individuals remain the best of friends. The program presents three stories that can be viewed in segments, or as a whole, and supports student understanding and discussion on the themes of friendship, respect, problem-solving and feelings.