Reflect on and assess their viewing, listening, reading, speaking, writing, and other representing experiences and the selected strategies they have used (e.g., using class-generated criteria).
Indicators for this outcome

Reflect, with guidance, on viewing, listening, reading, representing, speaking, and writing by explaining what is effective or what works in a text.


Reflect, with guidance, on own strategies ("What do I do well? How could I be better?") and consider how to improve ("What must I do to make this better?").


Consider "What is important to know?" and "How can I remember this?"


Ask self "Am I understanding?" and employ specific "fix-up" strategies (e.g., slow down; re-view, reread, listen again; get help) when something does not make sense.


Develop criteria, with teacher support, for creating and assessing viewing, listening, speaking, reading, writing, and other representing experiences.


Apply criteria to judge the quality of their viewing, listening, reading, representing, speaking, and writing.
