Compose and Create
Students will develop their abilities to speak, write, and use other forms of representation to explore and present thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences.


Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore:
  • identity (e.g., Expressing Myself)
  • community (e.g., Celebrating and Honouring Others)
  • social responsibility (e.g., Within My Circle) through personal experiences and inquiry.
Create a variety of clear representations that communicate straightforward ideas and information relevant to the topic and purpose, including short, illustrated reports, dramatizations, posters, and other visuals such as displays and drawings.
Speak to present and express a range of ideas and information in formal and informal speaking situations (including giving oral explanations, delivering brief reports or speeches, demonstrating and describing procedures) for differing audiences and purposes.
Use a writing process to produce descriptive, narrative, and expository compositions that focus on a central idea, have a logical order, explain point of view, and give reasons or evidence.