English Language Arts 6
Listen purposefully to understand, respond, and analyze oral information and ideas from a range of texts including narratives, instructions, oral explanations and reports, and opinions.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) |
Display active listening behaviours including preparing to listen; making notes to assist recall of ideas presented; identifying important details; noting techniques employed; seeking additional information from other sources as needed. |
(b) |
Restate and follow multi-step instructions and show that they have been understood by completing a task. |
(c) |
Generate questions to clarify incomplete or unclear material heard. |
(d) |
Identify speaker's viewpoint and purpose. |
(e) |
Restate or summarize major points and supporting details after a presentation or podcast and show understanding by the actions taken. |
(f) |
Draw conclusions about presenter's stance and values. |
Stories of Courage: Saskatchewan Second World War Veterans Remember
This series of eight videos presents the personal stories of 17 Saskatchewan residents who served during the World War II.
Aboriginal War Experiences. Episode 5
Commemoration. Episode 8
HMCS Regina. Episode 3
Price of Freedom. Episode 2
Prisoners of War. Episode 4
Soldiers Return Home. Episode 7
Supporting the Troops. Episode 6
Price :
Record posted/updated:
August 24, 2021