(a) |
Demonstrate the behaviours of an effective and active viewer including formulating questions before viewing; viewing attentively; relating text to self, text to other texts, and text to world; recognizing main ideas and underlying messages and values; recognizing how images and other elements (e.g., data displays) are capturing and holding attention; identifying the impact the text is having on self; reflecting and reviewing in light of purpose. |
(b) |
Demonstrate ability to navigate and process information when viewing websites, films, videos, and presentations. |
(c) |
Identify the different techniques (including data displays) used in different media works (including digital) to impact viewers. |
(d) |
Identify creative uses of language in visual and multimedia texts including those associated with popular culture (e.g., animation, video, computer games). |
(e) |
Compare how various forms of media (e.g., newspaper, radio, TV, and Internet) cover the same topic. |
(f) |
Compare various styles of data displays for clarity and effectiveness. |
(g) |
Evaluate the overall effectiveness and impact of a range of individual visual and multimedia texts (including digital texts). |