(a) |
Demonstrate the behaviours of an effective and active listener including adapting listening and focus to purpose and situation, keeping an open mind and considering ideas that differ from own, determining the congruency between the speaker's verbal and non-verbal cues, determining whether fact or opinion is being expressed, interacting appropriately with speaker, and seeking clarification when meaning is not clear. |
(b) |
Demonstrate ability to process information when listening to a formal presentation (including a podcast). |
(c) |
Make connections among different texts by comparing features including themes, issues, styles, and appeal. |
(d) |
Paraphrase a speaker's purpose and point of view. |
(e) |
Listen critically to evaluate others' ideas or opinions. |
(f) |
Evaluate the credibility of a speaker and the various ways in which visual images communicate information and affect impressions and opinions. |
(g) |
Demonstrate ability to analyze informational texts differentiating between fact and opinion and recognizing point of view, biases, and stereotypes. |