(a) |
Listen attentively to others and respond appropriately. |
(b) |
Use strategies to construct and confirm meaning when listening:
(c) |
Understand and apply language cues and conventions to construct and confirm meaning when listening:
(d) |
Follow simple directions correctly and independently (e.g., Please put away your crayons and put your picture on the shelf.) and remember instructions given earlier. |
(e) |
Listen to traditional and contemporary stories from a variety of cultures including First Nations and Métis. |
(f) |
Listen for different purposes (e.g., to retell, to direct others, for enjoyment). |
(g) |
Identify important information. |
(h) |
Ask questions for clarification, and make comments relevant to the topic. |
(i) |
Connect story events and own experience. |
(j) |
Engage in conversations with others in an exchange of ideas, comments, or questions. |

Episode 1: Animals of the North In this episode, Cree words for animals are featured.

Episode 2: Winter Play - In this episode, Cree words for family members are featured.

Episode 3 - At the Trapline
In this episode, the focus is learning to count in Cree.

Episode 4 - Summer at the Cabin
In this episode, the focus is learning the Cree words for things we see in Summer

Episode 5 - Making Moccasins
In this episode, the focus is learning colors in Cree.

Episode 6 - Hunting in the Fall
In this episode, the focus is learning the Cree words for various actions.

Episode 7 - Favourite Foods
In this episode, the focus is learning the Cree words for foods of the North.

Episode 9 - Camping with My Family
In this episode, the focus is learning the Cree words associated with camping.

Episode 10 - The Big Talent Show
In this episode, the focus is learning the Cree words for things seen at a talent show.

Episode 8 - Catching Fish
In this episode, the focus is learning the Cree words for adjectives.

1. Best Chums Forever 7. White Buffalo 13. Goose Call
2. Turtles Everywhere 8. Let Loose the Moose 14. Elk Lodge Dance
3. Loonie Tune 9. Flight Path 15. Thunderbird
4. Duck, Duck, Fly 10. We Pelican’s Fish 16. Spirit of the Land
5. Squirrelly for Nuts 11. Outfoxed 17. Nothing to Crow About
6. Bear Paws 12. Raccoon fire 18. Beaver Tales

Episode 1: Best Chums Forever
A human girl on Turtle Island befriends a rabbit, a beaver, a ptarmigan as they help a fallen eaglet get back to her nest. They become the "Chums".

Episode 2: Turtles Everywhere
Turtles begin to appear everywhere causing chaos, the Chums must help the turtles and find out what's driving them away from the creek.

Episode 3: Loonie Tune
The chums discover a young loon lost in the wilderness. The other Chums must work together to find her family.

Episode 4: Duck, Duck, Fly
A duckling is worried that he won't learn to fly in time for the migration. The Chums jump into action to encourage and teach him to fly.

Episode 5: Squirrelly For Nuts
A duckling is worried that he won't learn to fly in time for the migration. The Chums jump into action to encourage and teach him to fly.

Episode 6: Bear Paws
The Chums meet a a young bear with very ticklish feet. Using the forest and their imagination, they try to help their new chum.

Episode 7: White Buffalo
The Chums befriend a white buffalo who doesn't understand why people see it as sacred.

Episode 8: Let Loose the Moose
The Chums come across a moose that has run away because no one understands or gets his jokes.

Episode 9: Flight Path
Pterry the Ptarmigan tries to learn to fly like the Eagles, with the help of his chum Ira the Eaglet.

Episode 10: We Pelican's Fish
Emiree and Ira go fishing, only to discover Raven has "sold" their lake to the Pelicans after they overfished another lake. The Chums must come together to find a solution to continue sharing the lake.

Episode 11: Outfoxed
A piece of meat goes missing from the Village where Cota Coyote and Red Fox are suspects. The Chums help Elder Kohkum detect who did it.

Episode 12: Raccoon Fire
The Chums team up with Elder Kohkum to find the raccoons that took the bannock from the village.

Episode 13: Goose Call
The Chums Ira & Pterry help Ryan the Gosling build strength to get ready to fly south.

Episode 14: Elk Lodge Dance
The Chums help an Elk find the courage to win the affection of his crush in time for the Elk Lodge Dance.

Episode 15: Thunderbird
Thunderbird sightings have spooked the locals, it's up to the Chums to find out why Thunderbird is here and if there's a storm.

Episode 16: Spirit of the Land
The Chums find out that the squirrels have taken over the pow wow grounds for their own games. Can they find a way to share the land?

Episode 17: Nothing To Crow About
A crow arrives, confusing everyone including Raven who thinks its the Eagles trying to trick him into thinking he's crazy.

Episode 18: Beaver Tales
The Chums need to keep Emiree away from his beaver dam long enough to plan his surprise birthday party.