(a) |
Use imagination to communicate when appropriate. |
(b) |
Use the appropriate strategies to communicate meaning:
(c) |
Use language cues and conventions to construct and communicate meaning:
(d) |
Combine words and images to make meaning. |
(e) |
Create a story about self and family. |
(f) |
Incorporate story elements in representations. |
(g) |
Demonstrate knowledge of upper and lower case letters; show awareness of the first place position of a capital letter in words; notice the use of punctuation marks and try them out in own communication. |
(h) |
Express ideas and feelings using wood, blocks, clay, and natural materials. |
(i) |
Interpret characters through drawing, talking, play, and drama. |
(j) |
Represent stories through pictures, dictation, physical movement, and play and describe/explain their symbols, pictures, and dramatizations. |