Use and construct symbols, pictures, and dramatizations to communicate feelings and ideas in a variety of ways.
Indicators for this outcome

Use imagination to communicate when appropriate.


Use the appropriate strategies to communicate meaning:

  • find ideas to explore (before)
  • tell a story about self (during)
  • add detail (after).

Use language cues and conventions to construct and communicate meaning:

  • use and apply the different functions of language (pragmatic)
  • tell or dramatize a story using own words and appropriate gestures (pragmatic)
  • use different sentence patterns (syntactic)
  • manipulate sounds and words in shared, guided, and independent activities (lexical/semantic)
  • explore sounds and rhymes (graphophonic)
  • use various tools and techniques to represent ideas (other cues and conventions).

Combine words and images to make meaning.


Create a story about self and family.


Incorporate story elements in representations.


Demonstrate knowledge of upper and lower case letters; show awareness of the first place position of a capital letter in words; notice the use of punctuation marks and try them out in own communication.


Express ideas and feelings using wood, blocks, clay, and natural materials.


Interpret characters through drawing, talking, play, and drama.


Represent stories through pictures, dictation, physical movement, and play and describe/explain their symbols, pictures, and dramatizations.

Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Kindergarten: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
This unit supports students in understanding what it means to be engaged and lifelong learning citizens. Students will consider the relationship between rights and responsibilities that bring order to society. Students will work to understand the varying impacts that rules have on people. As students strive to understand that, they will also work to understand the underlying purpose behind the rule.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 3, 2020