A10 Compose and Create


CC A10.1
Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore:
  • identity (e.g., Foundational Stories);
  • social responsibility (e.g., Destiny and Challenges of Life); and
  • social action (agency) (e.g., Human Existence).
CC A10.2
Explain and present to a familiar audience the key ideas and events (actual or based on a text studied) through an appropriate combination of charts, diagrams, sound, models, drama, and print.
CC A10.3
Use oral language to express a range of information and ideas in formal (including a prepared talk on a familiar topic, an oral presentation of a passage of prose or poetry, and a retelling of a narrative or a recounting of an experience or event) and informal (discussion and group work) situations.
CC A10.4
Compose and create a variety of written literary (including a historical persona essay and a review) and informational (including an observation (eye-witness) report and researched or technical report) texts attending to various elements of discourse (e.g., purpose, speaker, audience, form).