CR B10.4
Read, interpret, and summarize a wide variety of classical and contemporary literary (including drama, biography, autobiography, poetry, short stories, novels) and informational (including letters, diaries, memoranda, electronic communications) texts.
Indicators for this outcome

Read, interpret, and summarize grade-appropriate literary and informational texts created by First Nations, Métis, Saskatchewan, Canadian, and international authors from various cultural communities that address identity, social responsibility, and personal agency.


Select, use, and evaluate purposefully a variety of before (page 24), during (page 25), and after (page 26) strategies to construct meaning when reading.


Understand and apply language cues and conventions to construct and confirm meaning when reading including:

  • Pragmatic cues: recognizing and comprehending language registers that are varied and used for effect (e.g., characterization, dialect) and that have been influenced by the context (e.g., community in which it was learned).
  • Textual cues: recognizing and comprehending the organization of thoughts and ideas in a variety of written and other texts including distinctive features of genres (e.g., prose, poetry) and organizational patterns within each genre (e.g., chronological, spatial, enumerative, problem and solution, cause and effect, comparison and contrast).
  • Syntactic cues: recognizing and comprehending how word order and sentence patterns communicate meaning in English and also when they do not communicate clearly.
  • Semantic/Lexical/Morphological cues: using a dictionary or other source to determine a word's meaning(s), usage, pronunciation, and etymology.
  • Graphophonic cues: recognizing and using the correct form and usage of a word to determine the pronunciation (e.g., "project" as a noun versus as a verb).
  • Other cues: recognizing and comprehending how features such as layout and accompanying graphics clarify intent of message.

Demonstrate active reading behaviours including:

  • establish a purpose for reading such as to learn, interpret, and enjoy
  • skim, scan, and read closely
  • identify and analyze explicit and implicit messages, viewpoints, concepts, persuasive techniques, and propaganda techniques (e.g., testimonial, band wagon, stereotyping)
  • recognize and analyze text structures and elements
  • relate understanding of a range of texts to personal experience, purposes, audience, and other texts
  • evaluate perspective, credibility, and logic
  • differentiate fact from opinion
  • differentiate between literal and figurative statements
  • test own ideas and values against those in text
  • recognize, comprehend, and discuss the significance of allusions and symbols in context
  • construct images based on text descriptions
  • discuss and analyze meanings, ideas, language, and literary quality in a range of contemporary and historical texts, taking account of purpose, audience, and time
  • use notemaking, marginal notes, and outlining to better understand texts.

Read fluently and independently a wide range of contemporary and historical texts, adapting reading processes and strategies for different purposes (including for information and enjoyment).


Recognize stylistic devices and techniques such as characterization, flashback, foreshadowing, and hyperbole.


Describe, discuss, and analyze the distinctive conventions, structures, and language features of a range of texts and explain how they suit the topic and purpose.


Read about a particular event or issue, using texts from a range of sources, including magazines, newspapers, cartoons, and letters to the editor to identify different points of view or angles.


Compare the characteristics of different texts and consider the reason for these differences, in terms of topic, purpose, and point of view.


Read and interpret critically the main ideas, events, and themes of a variety of literary texts including stories, novels, scripts, poetry, and non-fiction works, and prepare and present critical responses to what was read.


Read and make generalizations, supported by specific details and examples, about key concepts, characters, themes, and techniques in literary texts.
