The World Around and Within Us
Indicators for this outcome
The Education of Augie Merasty: A Residential School Memoir
Augie Merasty was five years old when he began attending St.Therese Residential School from 1935-1944.

This courageous and intimate memoir is the story of a child who faced the dark heart of humanity, let loose by the cruel policies of a bigoted nation. As Augie recounts, these schools did more than attempt to mould children in the ways of white society. They were taught to be ashamed of their heritage and, as he experienced, often suffered physical and sexual abuse. This resource discusses topics such as homelessness, residential schools, racism, faith, and traditional ways.
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Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Nelson English. Literature & Media 10 (WNCP ed.)
The student anthology consists of a wide variety of written and visual texts by Canadian and international authors and producers representing a wide variety of cultures and voices. Many of the selections are Canadian, including some First Nations texts. The anthology consists of five units organized by genre: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama and media.
Each text selection is accompanied by a series of activities. A thematic index and a glossary are included.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $58.50
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Crossroads 10. Student Text
This integrated resource offers Canadian selections that include First Nations and multicultural perspectives. It provides opportunities for students to experience the six language arts and to use them across the disciplines.
The student anthology contains a main table of contents organized thematically and an alternate table of contents organized around broad topics. This activity-based resource is organized into six main units: Personal Focus, Science and Technology, Media Perspectives, Issues and two genre units - Short Stories and Essays. Each unit features a unit-at-a-glance page that identifies key learning outcomes and provides end-of-unit reflection activities that form the basis for formative evaluation. There are cross-curricular links throughout each unit.
(More information)
•  Crossroads 10. Teacher's Guide
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $74.50
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
This integrated resource supports the English language arts curriculum at the Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 levels. The variety of text selections allow for student engagement in the six strands.
Students will develop their critical inquiry skills. Using the six strands, students will become "knowledge builders" rather than recipients of other points of view. Suggested activities will foster collaboration and assist students to become active participants in the 21st century.
The teacher resource contains strategies to engage the adolescent learner. Suggestions are included to differentiate instruction, how to plan with the end in mind and how to create an inquiry classroom. Assessment ideas are also included. Additional materials are available online.
(More information)
•  Interface V1.1. Student Text
•  Interface V1.1. Teacher's Resource CD-ROM
•  Interface V1.2. Student Text
•  Interface V1.2. Teacher's Resource CD-ROM
•  Interface V2.1. Student Text
•  Interface V2.1. Teacher's Resource CD-ROM
•  Interface V2.2. Student Text
•  Interface V2.2. Teacher's Resource CD-ROM
Media and Formats : Book Website Other
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Live Ink 9-10
This integrated resource supports the English language arts curriculum at both the Grades 9 and 10 levels. The variety of text selections allow for student engagement in the six strands.
Inquiry is built into the modules and allows for the student to continually reflect upon the big question. Opportunities exist to make the learning relevant to adolescents.
•  Don't Label Me! Module Kit
•  Don't Label Me! Online eKit
•  Don't Label Me! Student Edition
•  Don't Label Me! Teacher's Guide
•  Get Real! Module Kit
•  Get Real! Online eKit
•  Get Real! Student Edition
•  Get Real! Teacher's Guide
•  Heroes or Zeros? Module Kit
•  Heroes or Zeros? Online eKit
•  Heroes or Zeros? Student Edition
•  Heroes or Zeros? Teacher's Guide
•  Live Lines. Module Kit
•  Live Lines. Online eKit
•  Live Lines. Student Edition
•  Live Lines. Teacher's Guide
•  Looking for Me? Module Kit
•  Looking for Me? Online eKit
•  Looking for Me? Student Edition
•  Looking for Me? Teacher's Guide
•  Out Loud. Module Kit
•  Out Loud. Online eKit
•  Out Loud. Student Edition
•  Out Loud. Teacher's Guide
•  Upload. Module Kit
•  Upload. Online eKit
•  Upload. Student Edition
•  Upload. Teacher's Guide
•  What's Your Problem? Module Kit
•  What's Your Problem? Online eKit
•  What's Your Problem? Student Edition
•  What's Your Problem? Teacher's Guide
Media and Formats : Book
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Place and the natural environment figure prominently in this collection of poems by a young Saskatchewan author. Some poems are set in Saskatchewan, some in Whistler, the Maritimes and other locations. Most poems focus on experiences and events rather than internal emotions. Poems in the first third of the book reflect the author's childhood and teenage years and describe experiences that many rural high school students will find relevant.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: November 2, 2019
Trail of the Spirit: The Mysteries of Medicine Power Revealed
Dene Elder George Blondin defines medicine power as a gift from the Creator. He focuses on the past 200 years to show how medicine power has shaped the Dene culture. Blondin explains how some individuals are lucky enough to be born with medicine power, some receive the gift after birth or some are taught by other medicine power people.
Using Dene oral storytelling, Blondin takes the reader on a journey to understand medicine power. He describes real events in Dene history and provides examples of Dene individuals through history who have used medicine power for both good and destruction.
A table of contents is included.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $24.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
SightLines 10. Student Text
SightLines 10 offers a wide range of contemporary materials that support outcome-based teaching and learning. This integrated resource materials, provides a variety of opportunities to use the six language arts.
The anthology deals with complex issues from real life and requires high-level thinking. The selections stimulate critical and creative thinking and thoughtful response. The anthology offers a combination of mature content, voices, and themes; and the use of complex imagery, vocabulary, and description. Some selections in the student anthology contain material dealing with the supernatural, as well as other sensitive areas.
(More information)
•  SightLines 10. Teacher Guide
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $81.38
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Burn My Heart
Set in Kenya during the '50s, Mathew, a young white boy, and Mugo, a young black boy, share an uneasy friendship. Mathew's father owns the land and everything on it. Mugo works for Mathew's father in the house as a kitchen toto. One night, Mugo follows his parents and other workers and he discovers that they are taking an oath to secretly join the Mau Mau in an effort to reclaim their stolen land. With rising tensions between the Mau Mau and British settlers, Mugo and Mathew's friendship is tested amid accusations, suspicions and prejudice.
The text includes an author's note on the Mau Mau rebellion, a glossary and a listing of Kikuyu and Swahili names.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
An Anthology of Indigenous Literatures in English: Voices From Canada (5th ed.)
This anthology includes poetry, short stories, plays, excerpts from novels, historical letters and origin stories by Indigenous writers and storytellers. It also contains a timeline of Indigenous literature and a table of contents organized by genre.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 30, 2022