CC 20.2
Create visual or multimedia presentations using dramatization or role-play, including a presentation of an interview of a literary character (or author or historical or contemporary person) from a First Nations, Métis, Saskatchewan, Canadian, or international text.
Indicators for this outcome

Create and present visual and multimedia presentations that:

  • exhibit logical structures appropriate to audience, purpose, and context
  • have a central foci and strong messages
  • organize ideas in a logical and appropriate sequence
  • include smooth transitions
  • use a variety of forms and technologies such as sound, photographs, graphics, models, and understand how ideas are communicated through elements of design such as colour, shape, line, texture, and principles of design, including proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast
  • provide logical and convincing conclusions.

Select, use, and evaluate critically a variety of before (page 23), during (page 24), and after (page 25) strategies to construct and communicate meaning when representing.


Understand and apply the language cues and conventions (page 17) to construct and communicate meaning when representing.


Create and present a visual or multimedia presentation of an interview with a literary character (or author or historical or contemporary person) using dramatization or role-play:


  • obtain pertinent information from interviewee
  • prepare questions that explore the character and his/her conflicts
  • ask relevant and open-ended questions
  • reflect tactful wording.


  • analyze situations and character from a scene, event, or story
  • interview and stay in character
  • bring the literary character to life.

Present information incorporating visual, audio-visual, and dramatic aids to engage the intended audience and achieve the purpose.


Use creative combinations of language, visuals, and sound in a variety of texts to convey content and achieve effect.


Use appropriate formats and documentation to present information from a variety of sources.


Enhance presentations with graphics, charts, diagrams, audio, models, dramatizations, or mnemonic devices (i.e., story bags).


Apply and adapt the principles of composition that vary among cultures and traditions to create coherent media products that have effective images, text, graphics, music, and/or sound effects, and present a particular point of view on the topic using a particular medium (e.g., presentation software, video).


Create a before and after representation or visual using photos, print text, and other forms of media.
