English Language Arts 30
B30 Comprehend and Respond
View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of grade-appropriate international, including indigenous, texts that address:
View, comprehend, and evaluate critically a variety of visual and multimedia texts by international, including indigenous, artists and authors from various cultural communities, and identify how the texts address beliefs, values, and power. |
Listen to and comprehend grade-appropriate informational and literary texts created by international, including indigenous, speakers and authors, and analyze the perspectives, biases, beliefs, values, identities, and power presented in each text. |
Read and demonstrate comprehension of a range of contemporary and classical grade-appropriate informational (including position papers, magazine and newspaper articles, and electronic communications) and literary (including drama, novels, poetry, short stories, essays, biographies, and autobiographies) texts from various international, including indigenous, cultures and analyze the philosophical, ethical, and social influences that have shaped information, issues, characters, plots, and themes. |

Opportunities to Address Substance Misuse in Curriculum
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators are noted.
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Record posted/updated:
April 18, 2019