Assess benefits, risks and responsibilities of digital citizenship from a Catholic perspective.


Indicators for this outcome

Co-create a class 'responsible use policy' for digital behaviour, using Ribble's nine elements, that reflects Catholic values (e.g., social teachings, human dignity, communion of people, Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, good Samaritan).


Review common practices and assess personal behaviours in digital environments (e.g., downloading video, posting images of others) considering morality and legality.


Describe personal, social and legal consequences of inappropriate online behaviour and content (e.g., spreading inaccurate information and rumours, cyberbullying, texting while driving, sexting, pornography, child exploitation).


Describe how one's identity and reputation can be influenced both positively and negatively by one's digital actions and communications.


Examine how digital behaviour can develop, sustain, or harm relationships (e.g., chat rooms, text messaging, social media, online tutorials).


Discuss challenges and benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle involving both virtual and real world experiences.

The Bible Book
This resource explains the key figures, recurring themes and core ideas of both the Old and New Testaments using colourful graphics, famous artwork and historical timelines.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $32.00
Record posted/updated: September 6, 2019
Tweeting with God: # Big Bang, Prayer, Bible, Sex, Crusades, Sin, Career ...
Fr. Michel Remery takes 200 questions from young people and answers them all in Tweets to show how applicable faith is in the 21st century. Each Tweet is accompanied by an expanded explanation of the topic. Some of the questions include: What are the origins of the Church? Was Jesus against women? and Why are we here on Earth?
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $21.95 (US)
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed. Leader's Guide
This is the leader’s guide that accompanies a five-part series about the Mass. It includes the entire content of the student workbook, plus a program overview, planning section and leader’s notes.
•  Altaration. The Mystery of the Mass Revealed
•  Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed. Student Workbook
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $21.95 USD
Record posted/updated: June 22, 2021
The Way. Student Edition: Living Out God's Plan for Your Life as a Disciple of Christ
This resource discusses what it means to live as a disciple of Christ. Section topics include: The Reality of Sin, Love of God, Love of Neighbour and Living the Gospel Message. Each section begins with an explanation of the concepts students will examine and a list of new vocabulary. Primary sources, such as Scripture references, papal documents and historical writings, are included throughout the text.
•  The Way: Living Out God's Plan for Your Life as a Disciple of Christ. Teacher Edition
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $41.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching: Living as a Disciple of Christ
This text provides opportunities for students to think and to learn about how they can make a difference in the world by exercising their faith in activities of charity and social justice. Topics include: the definition and history of Catholic social teaching, advocating for the poor and vulnerable and caring for God's creation. Each chapter includes a chapter overview, suggestions for note-taking, section assessments and definitions for key vocabulary.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $36.50
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018