Impovising in a jazz style, exploring understanding of applicable jazz theory.
Indicators for this outcome

Discuss understanding of jazz style and analyze musical events within a solo or composition(e.g. introduction, shout chorus, form, dynamics, pitches, changes, articulation).


Sing and/or transcribe music through methods such as:

  • call and response with the teacher (or other students);
  • singing roots of the chord progression of the song;
  • singing blues heads and simple jazz tunes by ear;
  • singing colour tones (thirds and sevenths, ninths) over blues progressions;
  • singing a solo using a single scale or mode (blues, dorian, major etc);
  • singing and/or playing along with recordings of solos;
  • singing the solo being studied without the guiding vocal;
  • starting with short sections, such as a few bars or a single lick, gradually increasing the length and complexity being studied.

Individually and/or in groups create simple, short, three or four note jazz ideas and develop these licks by methods such as:

  • sequencing;
  • transforming(manipulating critical notes in a phrase to suit chord changes);
  • adding single notes to the original lick(passing tones, approach tones, etc.) -ornamenting the lick;
  • stylizing licks by adding turns falls, scoops, etc;
  • Connecting licks with segments of scalesm, runs or ornamentations.

Use text and/or scat syllables to create jazz ideas in improvisations by:

  • using conversation, and trading 4's in converstation;
  • creating text over blues or other forms;
  • using a variety of jazz scat syllables.

Demonstrate improvement and growth in the presentation and construction of improvised solos in a performance setting.


Take personal and musical risks by trying new ways to express oneself in the jazz idiom, using new ideas, new concepts and a variety of styles.

Teaching Music Improvisation with Technology
This book explores multiple areas of music technology and offers exercises and activities for students to develop skills in improvisation. The resource draws on theory and influential artists to lay a musical foundation for students. There are many numbered steps and diagrams indicating how to use various software programs. While many of the strategies could be used for any genre of music that employs improvisation, the excerpts and references in the text
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $38.50
Record posted/updated: July 19, 2021