Examine the role of dance in expressing Indigenous cultural and individual identity, past and present.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Engage, digitally or in-person, with Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Keepers, community leaders and/or dancers to learn about the role and history of dance in Indigenous communities.
(b) Examine the role of dance in expressing identity, drawing where possible and appropriate on the experience of students and expertise of community members.
(c) Discuss the history and role of dance in Indigenous cultures around the world.
(d) Analyze the role of dance in preserving and celebrating cultural identity.
(e) Examine the role of dance in resisting colonial assimilation policies in various parts of the world (e.g., treaty education outcome SI11 -analyze how the unfulfilled aspects of treaties, with international indigenous people, have resulted in inequities).
(f) Recognize the role of dance in developing and expressing identity in Indigenous communities around the world.
(g) Compare various Indigenous dance protocols and their purposes.
(h) Examine and describe the different complexities related to the roles of men and women in traditional dance around the world.
(i) Conduct research (e.g., digital, live, interview) on a contemporary International Indigenous dance maker and report on such things as: philosophy or focus, subject or themes presented, discipline specific or interdisciplinary work, and the potential influence of traditional practices (e.g., ask inquiry questions such as Do traditional practices and/or Elders influence the work you create? Does your culture influence the subject matter or themes of your work?).