Create solo, duo or group dances that convey personal vision or social commentary.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Create movement or dance composition inspired by personal experience, social issue or recognized Canadian dance maker.
(b) Use another art form (e.g., drama, visual art, music) or discipline (e.g., science, social studies, physical education) as inspiration for dance making.
(c) Demonstrate purposeful use of dance elements and choreographic form in dance-making process.
(d) Research Canadian choreographers’ methods and practices.
(e) Incorporate a Canadian dance maker’s (e.g., Michael Greyeyes, Robin Poitras, Peggy Baker) ideas and movement style into a dance composition.
(f) Create dance with a focus on social justice (e.g., reconciliation) and cultural diversity in a Canadian context.
(g) Adapt choreography for a range of abilities.
(h) Demonstrate collaboration, problem solving and clear communication during the dance-making process.
(i) Design overall vision including production components such as space, attire/regalia, lighting, sound, set and props, working with a range of resources (e.g., found objects).
(j) Collaborate and demonstrate leadership with peers, teacher, community members during dance-making process.
(k) Keep a record of dance-making ideas and choreography using traditional or invented notation.
Beginning Hip-Hop Dance
This book contains seven chapters including an introduction to hip-hop, preparation for class, safety and health considerations, technique, steps, history and dance forms. The resource includes pictures, diagrams, chapter summaries, a glossary of terms and a free supplemental web resource with video clips of hip-hop dance techniques, learning activities, assignments and interactive quizzes.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $50.95
Record posted/updated: February 1, 2022
Choreography and Dance in Theater
This book provides a concise overview of methods and techniques used to choreograph dance in theatre. It explores ballet as a building block, the benefits of starting dance young, working as a team, the steps of putting on a show, dancer etiquette and promoting lifelong movers. This resource also includes references to websites and videos, a glossary and an index.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $42.79 USD
Record posted/updated: July 12, 2021