socialize and celebrate by choosing the appropriate language function.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) uses gestures and expressions that accompany play;
(b) uses expressions and phrases for informal conversation in cooperative groups;
(c) gives instructions in a polite way according to conventions of the language and community;
(d) recognizes gestures and expressions that accompany requests from friends, adults, unfamiliar adults;
(e) expresses basic personal emotions and states, "tapwe miywasin!";
(f) prepares in groups, topics that will be discussed and questions that can be asked when Elders are present to share their knowledge;
(g) uses appropriate register in speaking to a person of the opposite sex (through role-play or simulations); and,
(h) prepares an event following the order of a ceremony and recognize placement of participants;
Dene benóttheré beghą eritł́ís = Dene Beginner Verbs Book
Using the Total Physical Response (TPR) method, students learn verbs by responding physically to commands. Over 50 Dene verbs are introduced with accompanying graphics.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.00
Record posted/updated: January 15, 2025