perform language functions that allow them to produce research.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) identifies and inquires a need or purpose for collecting cultural information in consultation with Elders;
(b) forms possible research or inquiry questions;
(c) identifies possible sources of information, resource people, written resources and media resources;
(d) approaches cultural resource people with appropriate protocol for collecting information;
(e) gathers and records information;
(f) processes and adapts information;
(g) scans for relevant information;
(h) organizes information; and,
(i) records information in written form.
Dene benóttheré beghą eritł́ís = Dene Beginner Verbs Book
Using the Total Physical Response (TPR) method, students learn verbs by responding physically to commands. Over 50 Dene verbs are introduced with accompanying graphics.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.00
Record posted/updated: February 17, 2021