Critique the impact and effectiveness of the Canadian justice system.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Explore possible root causes of crime (e.g., addictions, violence, abuse, trauma, poverty, gangs).
(b) Assess how shifting worldviews have contributed to changes in understanding of right and wrong and the effects on legal systems/criminal justice.
(c) Discuss how certain actions are criminalized or decriminalized using a variety of cultural perspectives.
(d) Describe the various goals (e.g., rehabilitation, reparation, sense of responsibility, acknowledgement of harm done, deterrence) of sentencing and justify appropriateness in given situations.
(e) Discuss alternatives (e.g., parole, probation) to incarceration available to convicted offenders in relation to rehabilitation.
(f) Identify the various sentences (e.g., discharges, suspended sentences, conditional sentence orders, incarceration, electronic monitoring, community service hours) possible within the Canadian justice system and evaluate the appropriateness of a sentence given a particular case.
(g) Explore how rehabilitation, reparation, sense of responsibility and acknowledgement of harm done to victims and communities are reflected in the goals of restorative justice.
(h) Debate if imprisonment is an effective way to change long term human behavior
(i) Examine factors that contribute to the over-representation of Indigenous people in the justice system.
(j) Investigate the purpose, process, limitations and importance of Gladue factors on the determination of a sentence.
(k) Justify the appropriate use and effectiveness of plea bargaining in the criminal justice system.
(l) Examine the effectiveness of various correctional models (e.g., custody, maximum-security, minimum-security) and programs (e.g., substance abuse intervention, sex offender treatment, literacy development, work experience, treatment courts).
(m) Analyze the purpose, impact and validity of crime statistics.
(n) Explore the impact of the Jordan decision (2016) as a measure to improve the effectiveness of the Canadian justice system.
PLEA’s Law 30 Resource Portal
This web portal created by Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan is designed to link Law 30 curricular outcomes and indicators to available PLEA resources.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 10, 2021
Does Canada Have a Jury Problem?
In the aftermath of Gerald Stanley's acquittal, friends and family of Colten Boushie raised concerns about how Canada's juries are selected and whether race plays a role in getting a fair trial.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 23, 2022
Tougher Impaired Driving Laws Raise Concerns About Targeting
Since new impaired driving laws no longer require that law enforcement officers have reasonable grounds to request a breath sample, advocates for civil liberties are concerned about whether this change will lead to the targeting of drivers from visible minorities.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 23, 2022
Truth and Conviction: Donald Marshall Jr. and the Mi'kmaw Quest for Justice
This well-researched book tells the compelling story of Donald Marshall Jr., who was wrongfully convicted of murder in 1971, when he was 17 years old. It describes his years in prison, his eventual acquittal, and the recommendations of the Royal Commission inquiry into the many injustices he had experienced in the criminal justice system. It also documents his subsequent fight for fishing and treaty rights and explains his legacy related to Mi’kmaw legal principles, justice, treaty rights, self-determination and reconciliation.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $34.95
Record posted/updated: July 12, 2021
By Law or In Justice: The Indian Specific Claims Commission and the Struggle for Indigenous Justice
This scholarly resource is a comprehensive analysis of the work, legacy and federal government treatment of the Indian Specific Claims Commission (ICC), which was formed in 1991 in response to the Oka crisis to resolve claims related to treaty promises, the Indian Act and other Crown obligations. In 2009, the ICC was replaced by the Specific Claims Tribunal. The author calls for the need to re-examine and address the real problems of the justice system in Canada to resolve treaty and Indian Act claims injustices and more.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $32.95
Record posted/updated: July 12, 2021
Criminal Justice in Canada(8th ed.)
This resource provides an overview of the criminal justice system in Canada and explains criminal justice policy, policing, the courts and criminal trial procedures, sentencing, alternative sanctions, corrections and community reintegration. Chapter summaries, colourful graphics and illustrations, review questions and critical thinking questions are included.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 15, 2025
Corrections in Canada: Principles and Practice
This textbook provides an in-depth examination of the field of corrections in Canada. The resource contains case studies that depict some of the challenges faced by corrections workers.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $88.00
Record posted/updated: December 22, 2021
Canadian Criminal Justice: A Primer(6th ed.)
This resource provides an overview of the Canadian criminal justice system, including the police, the criminal courts, corrections and youth justice. Text boxes that highlight important events, research and cases are included throughout the resource, in addition to critical thinking and group discussion exercises at the end of each chapter that review the content presented.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $115.95
Record posted/updated: February 22, 2022
A Brief Introduction to Law in Canada
This resource examines the key processes and institutions of Canadian law. Also discussed are Canada's legal history, the Canadian Constitution, careers in law and the core categories of law, such as: property law, family law, business and consumer law, administrative law and criminal law.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $80.00
Record posted/updated: February 23, 2022
Criminal Law in Canada: Cases, Questions, and the Code(7th ed.)
This book provides a case-oriented approach that supports learning about criminal law in Canada. There are useful charts, figures and case studies to explore with students. The chapters include topics such as causation, subjective and objective liability, strict and absolute liability, participation in crime, criminal responsibility, provocation and intoxication, necessity and duress, self-defence and defence of property.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: May 10, 2022
Criminal Code, Canada(2018 ed.)
This is the complete version of the Criminal Code of Canada. It provides the ability to investigate a wide range of criminal code offenses and how they are categorized.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $39.15
Record posted/updated: July 12, 2021
Introduction to Law in Canada(2nd ed.)
This comprehensive textbook covers in depth the nature of law, common and civil law systems, Canada's Constitution, key subject areas in law and the legal profession. Chapter summaries, review questions, extension activities, case studies and colourful charts are included. Definitions are highlighted and reading lists and websites for additional information are provided.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $92.00
Record posted/updated: January 15, 2025
Breaking Free. W5
Breaking Free is a short W5 investigation into a Manitoba Indigenous man's fight to reclaim his innocence following a 1974 murder conviction. It explores issues around marginalization, poverty, and the vulnerable nature of Indigenous people in the Canadian justice system. The video provides a view into the wrongfully convicted and could be used as a springboard to further investigation and conversations.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $129.95
Record posted/updated: July 12, 2021
Youth and the Law: New Approaches to Criminal Justice and Child Protection(4th ed.)
This resource is a comprehensive textbook that provides information regarding youth in the justice system. It looks at a variety of perspectives and allows a deeper examination of criminal law, policing and societal responses to youth in the legal system.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: May 10, 2022