Investigate factors that influence development of the four dimensions (i.e., biological, cognitive, emotional, spiritual) from conception to five years.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Summarize processes of biological, cognitive and emotional development from conception to birth, infancy and early childhood.
(b) Investigate sensory and perceptual systems from birth to five years.
(c) Explore how family’s spiritual views (e.g., values, morals, beliefs) can impact the development of young children.
(d) Examine stages of pregnancy and complications that can arise.
(e) Compare effects of healthy and unhealthy lifestyles on fetal development.
(f) Examine beginnings of personality in infants (e.g., temperament, early socialization, types of attachments, affects of social deprivation, bonding/attachment with parents).
(g) Investigate stages of communication processes and language development in early childhood.
(h) Create a timeline of language development from ages birth to five years.
(i) Examine the influences of direct conversation (i.e., adult to child) on language development.
(j) Analyze the influences (e.g., child’s use, parent’s use) of technology on childhood development.
(k) Investigate criteria for toys available for young children (e.g., infants, toddlers, preschoolers)that develop gross and fine motor skills.
(l) Design and create a toy for a young child that develops cognition and fine motor skills.
Child Development: Early Stages Through Age 12 (9th ed.)
This textbook explains how children develop physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally from the prenatal stage to age 12. The chapters are divided into lessons and make use of text features for visual appeal and ease of use. Case studies are included as well as a focus on careers related to child development. Each chapter review features vocabulary activities, critical thinking questions, activities that promote writing and discussion as well as observation. A glossary and index are included. This resource is also available as an online subscription.
(More information)
•  Child Development. Instructor's Edition: Early Stages Through Age 12
•  Child Development. Workbook: Early Stages Through Age 12
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $110.00 USD
Record posted/updated: December 13, 2021
Lifespan Development (2nd ed.)
This textbook provides an overview of the human lifespan. Each chapter provides an overview of the concepts, key terms, critical thinking questions, case studies, cultural, health and safety connections and chapter summaries. This resource is printed with a larger font size and there is use of visual features on every page. The publisher provides a complementary companion website that includes e-flash cards, interactive games, quizzes and extension activities.
•  Lifespan Development. Workbook
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $116.00 USD
Record posted/updated: December 13, 2021
Bipolar Disorder: Dealing with Mania and Depression
This print resource defines bipolar disorder and discusses its diagnosis, causes, treatments, life with the disorder and the stigma associated with mental illness in an accessible way for adolescent readers. Lists of books, websites and organizations are provided for additional information.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: February 24, 2021
Children (14th ed.)
This textbook provides a detailed examination of stages of development from conception to adolescence. It includes theoretical perspectives, research methods and an investigation of the four dimensions that influence human development. A digital subscription is available through the publisher.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $99.00
Record posted/updated: December 14, 2021
Life-span Development (6th Canadian ed.)
This resource is an advanced comprehensive textbook featuring Canadian content that focuses on concepts of lifespan development. It is organized into 10 chapters which provide reviews, research, and social policy on related topics. There are critical thinking opportunities for further connection and reflection included throughout the resource.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $99.95
Record posted/updated: April 7, 2021
Essentials of Life-span Development (1st Canadian ed.)
This textbook about lifespan development highlights Canadian research, Indigenous populations, and contrasted regions and statistics from across Canada. The 13 chapters provide a chronological overview of lifespan development and offer opportunities to reflect critically about the theories and concepts presented. This resource also features careers related to lifespan development.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $99.95
Record posted/updated: April 7, 2021
PSYCH (4th Canadian ed.)
This resource covers key topics in psychology including biology and psychology, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning, memory, thinking, development, motivation and emotion, stress, personality, social psychology, psychological disorders and methods of therapy. Chapter summary review cards and definitions of key terms are included at the end of the book.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $69.95
Record posted/updated: March 11, 2021
Essentials of Life-Span Development (6th ed.)
This resource explores the various stages in human lifespan development as well as the biological, cognitive, and emotional influences on development. Pertinent historical theories are included, in addition to current research.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $98.53
Record posted/updated: April 15, 2021
Psychology (Canadian ed.)
This resource offers an introduction to many of the concepts discussed in both Psychology 20 and 30. It features Canadian perspectives and examples that are relevant to Canadian students, real world applications and numerous engaging visuals.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: February 24, 2021
Developmental Psychology: Infancy and Childhood (5th Canadian ed.)
This textbook addresses human development from before birth to age 12. The theory and research, foundations, language and learning, social and personality, and ecology aspects of developmental psychology are presented. Colourful photographs, charts and diagrams are featured throughout, as well as concept checks to reinforce learning in each section. Current Canadian issues and research are included.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $129.95 USD
Record posted/updated: March 9, 2021
Psychology in Your Life (3rd high school ed.)
Each chapter of this textbook has specific sections that apply the information directly to teenagers, their lives and their futures. All chapters include big questions, learning goal activities, colourful pictures, charts and tables, and self-quizzes. An ebook version is available and lecture PowerPoints and an interactive instructor’s guide are available on the Web.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: February 24, 2021
Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature (2nd Canadian ed.)
This is an advanced textbook that provides a detailed overview of personality theories and development as they apply to biology, psychology, and physiology. This resource includes research and case studies with Indigenous and Canadian references.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $99.95
Record posted/updated: April 7, 2021
An Introduction to Psychological Science. Revel Access Card (3rd Canadian ed.)
This resource provides an in-depth overview of psychology as a science. Topics discussed include: reading and evaluating scientific research; biological psychology; senses and perception, memory, thought and intelligence; lifespan development; consciousness; social psychology; psychological disorders and therapies. Opportunities to apply the principles of psychology to real-word examples are included with each topic.
Price : $79.99
Record posted/updated: February 23, 2022
Child (2nd ed.)
This resource investigates child development from conception through adolescence. Key theories of development are explored at different age ranges, including a specific focus on the aspects of physical, cognitive and psychosocial development.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $99.95
Record posted/updated: February 23, 2022
Essentials of Understanding Psychology (6th Canadian ed.)
Key components in the study of psychology are explained in this resource, including: behaviour, personality, lifespan development, consciousness, thinking, social psychology and the identification and treatment of psychological disorders. In each learning module, key concepts are outlined, study alerts are provided and evaluation questions and new terms are presented. In addition, Indigenous perspectives on psychology, mental health and wellness are included in many of the modules.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $99.95
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2021
Psychology. Frontiers and Applications (7th Canadian ed.)
This Canadian edition is a comprehensive textbook that refers to current research in the field of psychology. Each chapter includes an outline, key terms, a glossary, case studies, discussion questions and current and future research. The chapters are divided into four sections: Frontiers, Focus on Neuroscience, Research Foundations and Applications. A digital subscription is available through the publisher.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $109.95
Record posted/updated: December 14, 2021
Dealing with Gender Dysphoria
This book describes gender dysphoria, how it is recognized, how it affects people’s lives and approaches to treatment. Lists of organizations, books and internet sites are provided for further research and inquiry.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $31.95 USD
Record posted/updated: December 14, 2021
Psychology in Action (12th ed.)
This textbook supports the outcomes of the Psychology 20 and 30 courses while presenting current studies and research. Each chapter features an outline of the concepts, brief exercises, images, diagrams, key terms and chapter summaries. Through a subscription with the publisher, there is a digital platform available with videos, animations, virtual field trips and interactive components. This resource is printed in small font size and contains a higher proportion of text to visual features.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $135.00 USD
Record posted/updated: December 13, 2021