Interpret, critique, and question the stigma associated with individuals, families, and communities living with/affected by non-curable infections/diseases, including HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C and for those who advocate for them.
Indicators for this outcome

Evaluate and respond to sources of, and information about, the provincial, national, and international impact of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C.


Recognize and question community prejudices.


Examine stigmas associated with non-curable infections/diseases, including HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C.


Examine the impact of the stigmas associated with HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C on the individual, the family, and the community.


Identify and question stigmas often attached to people who advocate for those infected with HIV and Hepatitis C.


Determine the effects of stigmas of association with/advocacy for those living with/affected by HIV/AIDS and/or Hepatitis C.


Analyze how some non-curable infections, including HIV and Hepatitis C infection, are linked to risky behaviours, not to particular groups of people, and examine the stigma associated with risky behaviours (e.g., intravenous drug use, unprotected sex).


Determine that risky behaviours are often more prevalent in vulnerable/marginalized populations and discuss why these populations may be more at risk.


Examine health promotion strategies that reinforce and/or address the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS.

Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Grade 9: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
Students research and study what constitutes a society. Students explore the historical societies of Macedonia, Rome, England, Spain, France, and Mongolia. Through the study of earlier societies, students analyze the impacts of empire building, territorial expansion and colonialism on various Indigenous populations. In their research, students compare the factors that shape worldviews including time, place, culture, language, religion, gender identity, socio-economic situations and education,...
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Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
There's More to Poverty Than Meets the Eye: Building Engaged Citizens for Poverty Reduction and Community Well-Being
The goals of this resource are to support and enrich curriculum areas related to social compassion and responsibility, interdependence, justice, human dignity and equitable distribution of power and wealth. This resource will help students: develop a sense of identity and their roles within their communities; begin to understand the root causes of poverty; begin to understand the relationship between poverty and health; be able to discuss poverty in relation to the other social determinants o...
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Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Understanding HIV and AIDS
Hosted by recording artist Bow Wow, this DVD offers valuable Grade 6, 7, 8 and 9 curriculum- appropriate information about HIV/AIDS through discussions with youth who are learning about the virus. The program offers an age-appropriate explanation of the definition and biology of HIV and means of infection, testing, treatment and prevention. Understanding HIV and AIDS stresses that abstinence is the most effective way to prevent sexual transmission of the HI virus. Portions of this DVD could ...
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $189.00
Record posted/updated: August 15, 2023
Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity
This document will assist individuals and communities to engage in meaningful discussions and actions to respond to the experiences, perspectives and needs of students and families who are gender and/or sexually diverse (GSD). It will: assist school divisions, central office personnel, administrators, educators, First Nations and Métis organizations and community partners to develop a deeper understanding of gender and sexual diversity; assist in understanding the unique educational, health a...
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Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 13, 2019