Module 5B: Digital Communication B (Core)
Apply principles of digital citizenship to digital communication.
(a) Describe principles of digital citizenship with respect to digital communication.
(b) Identify possible motivations for sharing and communicating online.
(c) Describe etiquette, rules and options when using digital communication technologies including social media platforms, e-mail, texting and instant messaging.
(d) Justify the importance of respecting diversity (e.g., language, culture, ability, mobility, gender and sexual diversity) in digital communication.
(e) Examine the opportunities and challenges of developing and managing relationships using digital communications.
(f) Assess the effectiveness and impact of developing and managing online relationships (e.g., online friendships, following others, gaming conversations, online chats).
(g) Manage online communication to align with personal values and goals, recognizing the permanence of a digital legacy.
(h) Explain how and why online communication can become viral.
(i) Describe potential positive and negative effects of viral online communication.
(j) Recognize that reaction to posts or comments, such as “likes”, arguments and an increase in the number of views, can cause emotional effects (e.g., gratification, distress, frustration) for the sender and/or recipient.
(k) Evaluate the potential effects of online communication in relation to issues such as bullying, sexting, homophobia and discrimination.
(l) Propose strategies to combat the spread of harmful and anonymous postings.
(m) Identify options for dealing with inappropriate online communication or behaviour.
(n) Build a digital portfolio showcasing one’s use of digital communication.
Digital Ethics: Safe and Legal Behavior Online
This non-fiction book focuses on digital ethics. There are five short chapters, three activities, a glossary and some suggestions for more information. The book is based on American law and uses scenarios from the United States, however, there are few Canadian resources suggest in the "More Information" section. This resource is suitable for middle years and high school students.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.30
Record posted/updated: December 7, 2021
Digital Privacy: Securing Your Data
This resource provides information on how students can keep their data private and secure, including tips on how to prevent unwanted data collection. Group activities at the end of the book provide opportunities to enhance understanding of digital privacy issues.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $26.85 US
Record posted/updated: February 22, 2022
Cyber Nation: How the Digital Revolution is Changing Society
This book explores how digital technology connects people to each other and to information, which is changing the way people meet each other, interact, find jobs, learn new skills, take in news and entertainment, and build personal identities. Some of the topics referenced include cyberbullying, the Black Lives Matter movement, fake news, ratings, and the effects of online shopping. There is a listing of books and websites for further research on the topic.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $31.95 USD
Record posted/updated: December 8, 2021
Digital Identity: Your Reputation Online
This is a short book that explores the topic of safely projecting and protecting one’s personal digital identity. It alerts the reader to the need to create and manage digital information to avoid identity theft and reputational damage.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $26.85 USD
Record posted/updated: December 8, 2021
Professional Communication
This textbook is a guide to communication through writing, speaking, listening, and presenting. Case studies and careers related to communications appear throughout the resource. The structure of the text is easy to follow and there is also a companion CD with workbook, textbook answer keys, lesson plans, and other resource documents.
•  Professional Communication. Instructor's Resource CD
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 16, 2022
Effective Graphic Design
This book presents sample documents and critiques of graphic designs. It identifies what needs to be improved and gives suggestion on how to achieve improvements. The book is not software-specific, making it more widely applicable. The table of contents includes: Design projects (resumes, logo, business cards, and letterheads), Editorial (magazine cover, magazine spreads, newspapers, newsletters, and programs), Marketing/Advertising (poster, brochure, ad, package, and digital). A glossary and explanations section provides information on theories, elements, and design crimes.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $77.95
Record posted/updated: December 7, 2021