Module 82B: Work Study Follow-up (Optional)
Relate one’s work placement experience to personal and career goals.

Showcase one’s skills and abilities demonstrated during the work placement using artifacts, evidence of skill development and personal reflections on aspects of the work experience such as:

  • hours worked;
  • responsibilities and tasks performed;
  • the importance of attitude towards work and taking responsibility for what needs to be done;
  • details about the entry level wage, salary scales and earning potential;
  • worker rights and responsibilities and the role of the union, if applicable;
  • ownership structure (e.g., corporation, franchise, sole proprietorship, partnership); and,
  • opportunities for advancement at the workplace and elsewhere in the industry.
(b) Reflect on the attainment of personal and learning goals.
(c) Update personal career documentation (e.g., resume, portfolio) following the work placement.
(d) In appreciation prepare a letter, note, card or other communication for the work placement employer.
(e) Develop and/or revise personal and career goals based on the work placement experience.