Physical Science: Liquids and Solids


Investigate properties (e.g., colour, taste, smell, shape, and texture) of familiar liquids and solids. (SI)
Investigate interactions between liquids and solids, and technologies based on those interactions. (CP, SI, TPS)
Solutions at Work
Engaging footage illustrates the types, characteristics and uses of solutions, paying special attention to solutions we use every day. Additional concepts and terminology: solution, suspension, solute, solvent, water, concentration, solubility, saturated and unsaturated solutions, pH, acids and bases.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $49.95
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
Properties of Matter, Part 2: Liquids, Solids, and Gases
Matter is everywhere and in everything. Appropriate examples and experiments make learning about matter easy and fun. Viewers learn that all matter has mass and takes up space, use the five senses to discover the properties of matter and see how matter changes form. A catchy tune helps reinforce key concepts.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : $39.95 USD
Record posted/updated: November 10, 2021
All About Matter
In this video, students will learn that matter is all around them. Students will discover that matter exists in three forms - gas, liquid and solid. In addition, students will come to understand the different properties, qualities and characteristics of matter. The video uses a combination of live-footage, animation and graphics to explain key concepts and vocabulary about matter.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $63.98
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
National Geographic Science 1-2
This series of modular kits allows students to build skills to ensure a complete understanding of the nature of science. The process skills and the nature of science work together to help students think and act like scientists. Students will develop their process skill of observation. Through the nature of science, students will learn that science knowledge is based upon evidence and that science knowledge can change based upon new evidence. Numerous opportunities are provided for students to complete hands-on explorations that ensure a thorough understanding of key science concepts. Each unit opens with a big question to guide learning. Throughout the unit, there are four levels of inquiry. The explore activity allows students to build background knowledge. Teachers direct instruction in directed inquiry. In guided inquiry, students become independent learners with guidance from the teacher. Students choose their own questions, create and carry out plans, collect and record data and share data in open inquiry.
(More information)
•  Earth Science. Become an Expert. Day and Night During Chinese New Year
•  Earth Science. Become an Expert. Day and Night at the Festival of Colors
•  Earth Science. Become an Expert. Day and Night on Cinco de Mayo
•  Earth Science. Explore on Your Own. Stories in the Stars
•  Earth Science. Explore on Your Own. The Sun Shines
•  Earth Science. Explore on Your Own. What Do You See in the Moon?
•  Earth Science. Sun, Moon, and Stars. Assessment Handbook
•  Earth Science. Sun, Moon, and Stars. Big Ideas Big Book
•  Earth Science. Sun, Moon, and Stars. Big Ideas Student Book
•  Earth Science. Sun, Moon, and Stars. Big Ideas and Vocabulary Cards
•  Earth Science. Sun, Moon, and Stars. Classroom Set
•  Earth Science. Sun, Moon, and Stars. Learning Masters
•  Earth Science. Sun, Moon, and Stars. Science Inquiry Book
•  Earth Science. Sun, Moon, and Stars. Science Inquiry Kit
•  Earth Science. Sun, Moon, and Stars. Teacher's Edition
•  Earth Science. Write about Sun, Moon, and Stars. A New Moon Rover Big Book
•  Life Science. Become an Expert. A Wolf's World
•  Life Science. Become an Expert. An Alligator's World
•  Life Science. Become an Expert. An Elephant's World
•  Life Science. Become an Expert. At Home in the Desert
•  Life Science. Become an Expert. At Home in the Ocean
•  Life Science. Become an Expert. At Home in the Prairie
•  Life Science. Become an Expert. Life by a Bay
•  Life Science. Become an Expert. Life in a Forest
•  Life Science. Become an Expert. Life in a Garden
•  Life Science. Become an Expert. Oak Trees and White-Tailed Deer
•  Life Science. Become an Expert. Saguaro Cacti and Elf Owls
•  Life Science. Become an Expert. Water Lilies and Bullfrogs
•  Life Science. Explore on Your Own. A Butterfly's Favorite Plant
•  Life Science. Explore on Your Own. Do Wolf Pups Need a Babysitter?
•  Life Science. Explore on Your Own. Eat or Be Eaten
•  Life Science. Explore on Your Own. The Baobab and the Elephant
•  Life Science. Explore on Your Own. The Cactus Name Game
•  Life Science. Explore on Your Own. The Giant Water Lily
•  Life Science. Explore on Your Own. The Muddy Dragon
•  Life Science. Explore on Your Own. Trees, Seeds, and Leaves
•  Life Science. Explore on Your Own. Watch Out!
•  Life Science. Explore on Your Own. What Are They Good For?
•  Life Science. Explore on Your Own. Whose Babies Are These?
•  Life Science. Explore on Your Own. Why Don't Crocodiles Make Good Pets?
•  Life Science. Habitats. Assessment Handbook
•  Life Science. Habitats. Big Ideas Big Book
•  Life Science. Habitats. Big Ideas Student Book
•  Life Science. Habitats. Big Ideas and Vocabulary Cards
•  Life Science. Habitats. Classroom Set
•  Life Science. Habitats. Science Inquiry Book
•  Life Science. Habitats. Science Inquiry Kit
•  Life Science. Habitats. Teacher's Edition
•  Life Science. Life Cycles. Assessment Handbook
•  Life Science. Life Cycles. Big Ideas Big Book
•  Life Science. Life Cycles. Big Ideas Student Book
•  Life Science. Life Cycles. Big Ideas and Vocabulary Cards
•  Life Science. Life Cycles. Classroom Set
•  Life Science. Life Cycles. Learning Masters
•  Life Science. Life Cycles. Science Inquiry Book
•  Life Science. Life Cycles. Science Inquiry Kit
•  Life Science. Life Cycles. Teacher's Edition
•  Life Science. Living Things. Assessment Handbook
•  Life Science. Living Things. Big Ideas Big Book
•  Life Science. Living Things. Big Ideas Student Book
•  Life Science. Living Things. Big Ideas and Vocabulary Cards
•  Life Science. Living Things. Classroom Set
•  Life Science. Living Things. Learning Masters
•  Life Science. Living Things. Science Inquiry Book
•  Life Science. Living Things. Science Inquiry Kit
•  Life Science. Living Things. Teacher's Edition
•  Life Science. Plants and Animals. Assessment Handbook
•  Life Science. Plants and Animals. Big Ideas Big Book
•  Life Science. Plants and Animals. Big Ideas Student Book
•  Life Science. Plants and Animals. Big Ideas and Vocabulary Cards
•  Life Science. Plants and Animals. Classroom Set
•  Life Science. Plants and Animals. Learning Masters
•  Life Science. Plants and Animals. Science Inquiry Book
•  Life Science. Plants and Animals. Science Inquiry Kit
•  Life Science. Write About Habitats. A Coyote in the City Big Book
•  Life Science. Write About Life Cycles. We Need More Trees! Big Book
•  Life Science. Write About Living Things. Wild Animals in the City Big Book
•  Life Science. Write About Plants and Animals. Plants We Eat Big Book
•  Physical Science. Become an Expert. At the Market
•  Physical Science. Become an Expert. In the Art Class
•  Physical Science. Become an Expert. In the Kitchen
•  Physical Science. Become an Expert. Tractors on the Farm Push and Pull
•  Physical Science. Become an Expert. Trains Push and Pull
•  Physical Science. Explore on Your Own. All Aboard!
•  Physical Science. Explore on Your Own. Build It!
•  Physical Science. Explore on Your Own. Cookie Time
•  Physical Science. Explore on Your Own. Decorating a Vase
•  Physical Science. Explore on Your Own. Fun Food
•  Physical Science. Explore on Your Own. On the Farm
•  Physical Science. Properties. Assessment Handbook
•  Physical Science. Properties. Big Ideas Big Book
•  Physical Science. Properties. Big Ideas Student Book
•  Physical Science. Properties. Big Ideas and Vocabulary Cards
•  Physical Science. Properties. Classroom Set
•  Physical Science. Properties. Learning Masters
•  Physical Science. Properties. Science Inquiry Book
•  Physical Science. Properties. Science Inquiry Kit
•  Physical Science. Properties. Teacher's Edition
•  Physical Science. Pushes and Pulls. Assessment Handbook
•  Physical Science. Pushes and Pulls. Big Ideas Big Book
•  Physical Science. Pushes and Pulls. Big Ideas Student Book
•  Physical Science. Pushes and Pulls. Big Ideas and Vocabulary Cards
•  Physical Science. Pushes and Pulls. Classroom Set
•  Physical Science. Pushes and Pulls. Learning Masters
•  Physical Science. Pushes and Pulls. Science Inquiry Book
•  Physical Science. Pushes and Pulls. Science Inquiry Kit
•  Physical Science. Pushes and Pulls. Teacher's Edition
•  Physical Science. Write About Properties. Making Juice Pops Big Book
•  Physical Science. Write About Pushes and Pulls. Pushes and Pulls at Home Big Book
Media and Formats : Book Kit
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
Hands-on Science Grade 2: An Inquiry Approach (WNCP ed.)
This new edition contains easy-to-follow lesson plans that incorporate an inquiry-based approach to learning. The student-centred activities also include ideas for integrating Indigenous knowledge, multicultural connections and real-world applications into each lesson. The four units contained in the resource are: Growth and Changes in Animals; Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases; Position and Motion and Air and Water in the Environment.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $124.00
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
Pan-Canadian Science Place 2
This comprehensive series addresses learning outcomes from all four units of Saskatchewan's Grade 2 science curriculum.
•  Pan-Canadian Science Place 2. Air and Water
•  Pan-Canadian Science Place 2. Air and Water. Teacher's Guide
•  Pan-Canadian Science Place 2. Animals Grow
•  Pan-Canadian Science Place 2. Animals Grow. Teacher's Guide
•  Pan-Canadian Science Place 2. Matter, Matter Everywhere
•  Pan-Canadian Science Place 2. Matter, Matter Everywhere. Teacher's Guide
•  Pan-Canadian Science Place 2. Move It!
•  Pan-Canadian Science Place 2. Move It! Teacher's Guide
Media and Formats : Book
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
Properties of Matter, Part 1
This video takes viewers to the "matter kitchen" where they learn to use their senses to identify the properties of objects - size, weight, shape, colour, temperature. They also learn about some of the tools used to measure the properties of matter and that matter has mass, takes up space and can exist in different states - solids, liquids and gases.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : $39.95 USD
Record posted/updated: November 10, 2021
Pearson Science 2. Saskatchewan Edition
The Saskatchewan edition of Pearson Science 2 has been custom published for Saskatchewan and has been developed by Saskatchewan teachers. The hands-on, inquiry-based approach integrates First Nations perspectives into student learning. The classroom kit contains: 1 teacher resource (including interactive whiteboard lessons), 6 copies of 4 fiction and 4 nonfiction little books, 4 lap books, 4 science posters, 4 traditional knowledge posters and 4 skills posters. Additional copies of each fiction and nonfiction little book can be purchased in packages of 6.
(More information)
•  A Day on the Ice. Additional Fiction Little Book Pack
•  Air and Water. Additional Non-Fiction Little Book Pack
•  Get Moving. Additional Non-Fiction Little Book Pack
•  Growing Up. Additional Non-Fiction Little Book Pack
•  Liquids and Solids. Additional Non-Fiction Little Book Pack
•  Lost and Hound. Additional Fiction Little Book Pack
•  Pearson Science 2. Saskatchewan Edition. Teacher's Resource
•  The Perfect Pet. Additional Fiction Little Book Pack
•  Too Much Water! Additional Fiction Little Book Pack
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: October 18, 2020
Primary Physical Science Series
This series introduces the physical sciences to young children. Each book introduces the topic, provides background information and then follows up with a hands-on activity. At the end of each book are suggestions for teachers to explore the concepts further with their students. Each book includes a glossary and an index.
•  Build It!: Structures, Systems, and You
•  Change It!: Solids, Liquids, Gases and You
•  Move It!: Motion, Forces and You
•  Touch It!: Materials, Matter and You
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $7.95 ea.
Record posted/updated: October 13, 2019
Timon and Pumbaa. Safety Smart Goes Green!
In this video program from Disney's Wild About Safety Series, Timon and Pumbaa ensure that the water, land and air around them are safe and clean. Students will explore the Three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle). They will also learn to conserve water and energy.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $19.98
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle: A Story about Recycling
Students will enjoy following the journey of a plastic bottle. Starting as a blob of crude oil, the oil is cleaned and changed into forms that people can use to make things. As the material is passed through the manufacturing process, it is moulded into a plastic bottle, filled, and shipped to stores. When the bottle is recycled, it is transformed into a fleece coat.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $4.50
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018