(a) |
Analyze the purpose or function of various natural and human- built structures. |
(b) |
Examine how some human-built structures are modeled on shapes and structures found in nature. |
(c) |
Assess how 2-D shapes (e.g., rectangle, triangle, circle, square, hexagon, and octagon) and 3-D objects (e.g., dome, arch, and cylinder) provide strength, stability, and balance to natural and human-built structures. |
(d) |
Compare the characteristics of solid (e.g., sand castle, mountain, and dam), frame (e.g., partition wall, hockey net, and spider web), and shell (e.g., igloo, bike helmet, balloon, and drink can) structures. |
(e) |
Classify natural and human-built structures as solid, frame, or shell structures. |
(f) |
Compare the characteristics of different types of shelter (e.g., tent, igloo, hut, boat, castle, tipi, yurt, and house) constructed by people throughout the world, past and present. |
(g) |
Examine the characteristics and significance of historical structures such as Stonehenge, the Parthenon, Petra, the Great Wall of China, Angkor Wat, Machu Picchu, the Taj Mahal, the Pyramids, and Easter Island moai. |
(h) |
Analyze how various shapes contribute to balance and stability in humans and various animals. |
(i) |
Develop and carry out a plan to construct a simple structure such as a tower, bridge, tipi, or bird feeder that meets teacher- or student-specified criteria related to strength, stability, and function. |
(j) |
Estimate measurements to select appropriate quantities of required materials for constructing a structure. |
(k) |
Follow safety procedures and rules while constructing structures and explain the need for such procedures and rules. |
(l) |
Illustrate the construction process for a simple structure, including descriptions of the components of the structure, using labelled drawings, written and oral explanations, and demonstrations. |
(m) |
Assess the strength, stability, and balance of personally- constructed structures and make changes to improve the structure as deemed necessary. |
(n) |
Identify materials or parts of a structure that failed and hypothesize why they failed. |
(o) |
Assess natural and human-built structures to determine if they are effective, safe, make efficient use of materials, meet user's needs, and minimize the impact on the environment. |
(p) |
Research jobs and hobbies that contribute to the design, building, and maintenance of natural and human-built structures. |

The book includes a table of contents and an index.

The book includes photographs, illustrations, a table of contents, a note on the symbols used in the book and an index.