(a) |
Evaluate the suitability of different types of light sources based on criteria such as source of energy, area illuminated, cost, and intended use. |
(b) |
Assess positive and negative consequences of artificial sources of light (e.g., street light, automobile headlight, traffic light, emergency vehicle light, and lighted advertising sign) that have been designed to solve problems in the home, at school, and in the community. |
(c) |
Assess the suitability of translucent, transparent, and opaque materials for specific applications (e.g., window, shower curtain, paper, light bulb, and frosted glass). |
(d) |
Compare the types of light sources used historically and currently in Saskatchewan homes and communities. |
(e) |
Compare the functions of optical devices (e.g., magnifying glasses, eyeglasses, contact lenses, microscopes, and telescopes) that are designed to extend our ability to observe. |
(f) |
Evaluate the function and importance of eyeglasses and contact lenses for individuals with vision problems. |
(g) |
Research personal, societal, and environmental impacts of light- related technological innovations (e.g., periscope, flashlight, neon lighting, camera, and laser). |
(h) |
Design, construct, and test a prototype of an optical device (e.g., periscope, telescope, and microscope) that performs a specific student-identified function. |
(i) |
Work with classmates to troubleshoot problems with a prototype of an optical device. |
(j) |
Describe practices that individuals and communities can take to help protect eyes and sight. |
(k) |
Assess methods of conserving energy through processes such as reducing the use of home lighting or using alternative types of light sources (e.g., fluorescent, compact fluorescent, and light- emitting diode). |
(l) |
Examine how light is depicted in a variety of texts (e.g., science fiction, cartoons, movies, and poetry) and through dance and drama. |
(m) |
Identify careers in Saskatchewan that require an understanding of light and light-related technologies (e.g., optician, photographer, astronomer, and lab technician). |

A light kit is enclosed with this book. It includes three colour gels (red, blue, yellow), three sheets of polarized film and one diffraction grating peephole.