(a) |
Assess the characteristics of flying objects (e.g., balloon, kite, glider, airplane, helicopter, and rocket). |
(b) |
Construct a prototype of a flying object that meets student-specified performance and aesthetic criteria. |
(c) |
Work collaboratively with classmates to define criteria for judging the performance and aesthetics of a prototype of a flying object. |
(d) |
Select and carefully use appropriate tools in manipulating materials and in building prototypes. |
(e) |
Work collaboratively to collect relevant observations and data to evaluate the performance of a prototype of an object that will fly. |
(f) |
Demonstrate and explain the importance of selecting appropriate processes for investigating scientific questions and solving technological problems (e.g., explain why it is important to change one variable while keeping others constant in designing and testing prototypes of flying objects). |
(g) |
Analyze personally collected data and suggest improvements to a prototype design. |
(h) |
Communicate procedures and results of prototype design, construction, testing, and evaluation in a technical design report. |
(i) |
Identify new questions or problems about flight that arise through the prototype design process. |
(j) |
Propose designs for futuristic flying devices that meet a particular student-identified need. |