Select, use and reflect on basic strategies to begin expressing oneself in American Sign Language.

* For further information and suggestions for additional strategies, see Appendix A.

Indicators for this outcome
(a) Use and reflect on basic cognitive strategies*, with guidance, to enhance communication, such as:
  • identify similarities and differences between aspects of ASL and students’ other languages;
  • imitate signed words and sentences; or,
  • memorize new sign vocabulary by repeating it or signing/finger-spelling it.
(b) Demonstrate and reflect on basic interactive and affective strategies*, with guidance, to enhance communication, such as:
  • recognize and respond to turn-taking cues;
  • check with peers or teacher regarding accuracy of sign choice and production; or,
  • experiment with basic forms of expression in simple conversations and note their acceptance or non-acceptance by more experienced signers.
(c) Practise and reflect on basic productive strategies*, with guidance, to enhance communication, such as:
  • increase signing vocabulary by copying what others sign, practising signs that are visible in the immediate environment and using resources;
  • supplement signed communications with a variety of non-verbal cues (e.g., mime, pointing, gesturing, drawing pictures, illustrations, dramatization); or,
  • apply knowledge of iconic signs that look like their intended meaning (e.g., eat, drink, sit) to communicate meaning by experimenting with other similar iconic signs.